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Sepsis is a life-threatening condition that affects 1.7 million people annually. Since sepsis is so prevalent and deadly, this necessitates an evaluation of the current standard of care regarding tools evaluating the early identification of sepsis. The research presented compares current sepsis screening tools: qSOFA, MEWS, and SIRS. The question posed for this systematic review was, “Which screening tool is the most effective in the early identification of sepsis?” Multiple methods were used in the discovery process, the most common being searching online databases for relevant scholarly articles, particularly utilizing the Oral Roberts University Library and Google Scholar. As a result of the research conducted, SIRS was found to be one of the most effective screening tools currently in use for the early identification of sepsis. SIRS provides critical information for early identification, resulting in much improved patient outcomes. Future research on this topic is highly recommended so that the most effective tools for early sepsis detection can become the standard of care in all healthcare institutions. Discovering the condition when it is in the most treatable, life-preserving state is the ultimate goal.



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