
Whole Leader

Second Issue

New season and new ways 新的季節新的方式

《全人領袖》第二期的主題是“新季節新方式”。和全球一起,ORU經歷了各方面的挑戰,單因著神的信實,ORU迎來學術、體育和其他方面的成績突破。 教會也預備進入新的季節,這一切都是神的奇妙帶領和掌權。我們盼望這一期能幫助更多人在面對困難時仍能持守對神的信心,在困難中有打開的心和眼經歷神的信實,祂的應許必將成就。 世人將順服神的聲音、信靠祂,並經歷聖靈的大能! The theme of the second issue of the "Whole Leader" is "New Ways in the New Season." ORU has experienced challenges in academics settings, athletic programs, campus safety during the storm, just like others. However, with God's faithfulness, ORU has grown in new ways more than before. Many churches have thrived on being ready for a new season under God's guidance and control. We hope that this issue will encourage more readers to be more faithful to face difficulties. People will have an eye-opening mind and vision to see our supernatural God how faithful He is. His promise will be fulfilled. People in this world will obey the voice of God and trust him to experience the power of the Holy Spirit!