"Improving My Course in Brightspace D2L" by Jason Howell and Jana Swartwood

Streaming Media


Prof. Jason Howell, Director of the Institute of Design, Experience and Art, and professor of graphic design, shares best practices for using Brightspace by D2L. He begins with his approach to continuous improvement at the course level, how faculty and students may make use of various features, how faculty can manage their course shells, and ends with a wish-list for system improvement. Prof. Howell takes questions from the audience to round out his presentation.

Jana Swartwood, Executive Director for Online & Lifelong Learning continues the presentation by offering ways that faculty may improve their use of Brightspace: (1) Copying components, (2) Adding TA’s, (3) Using the Class Progress dashboard, and (4) using the Quick Eval tool. The session ends with an overview of ORU’s Brightspace support staff contacts.

Publication Date





Course Design, Graphic Design, Brightspace, D2L, continuous improvement


Adult and Continuing Education and Teaching | Curriculum and Instruction | Educational Technology | Higher Education and Teaching | Online and Distance Education

Improving My Course in Brightspace D2L



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