The Apostolic Faith - Baxter Springs, Kansas - Charles F. Parham | Digitized Periodical Collection | Oral Roberts University

The Apostolic Faith was established by Charles F. Parham in 1899.  Parham was a holiness revivalist who is known for establishing the Bethel Healing Home in Topeka KS, where Agnes Ozman is reported to have spoken in tongues on Jan 1, 1901. From Topeka, Parham started the Apostolic Faith Movement, a Pentecostal movement that taught that speaking in tongues was the sign of receiving the baptism in the Holy Spirit.  A paper with the same name was started by William J. Seymour in 1906. Seymour learned of the Pentecostal baptism from Parham and started the Azusa Street Mission in Los Angeles, CA.

Parham's Apostolic Faith newspaper was distributed across the United States and documented the early teachings and testimonies of the Pentecostal Movement. After ceasing from 1916-1925, Parham resumed publication of Apostolic Faith until he died in Jan 1929.  

This is a collection of many those later issues (1925-1929), which are not currently freely available to the public and are held in the Holy Spirit Research Center at Oral Roberts University. 

** Disclaimer: Some of the views of Charles Parham are controversial, particularly his view of race. This information is being made public for its historic value to researchers. Views expressed in the items posted on the Digital Showcase are those of the contributors only. Their publication on the Digital Showcase does not express or imply endorsement by the Digital Showcase or Oral Roberts University.**


Submissions from 1929


The Apostolic Faith 5 no. 1 (January 1929), Holy Spirit Research Center, Oral Roberts University


The Apostolic Faith 5 no. 2 (February 1929), Holy Spirit Research Center, Oral Roberts University

Submissions from 1928


The Apostolic Faith 4 no. 10 (October 1928), Holy Spirit Research Center, Oral Roberts University


The Apostolic Faith 4 no. 7 (July 1928), Holy Spirit Research Center, Oral Roberts University


The Apostolic Faith 4 no. 8 (August 1928), Holy Spirit Research Center, Oral Roberts University

Submissions from 1927


The Apostolic Faith 3 no. 8 (August 1927), Holy Spirit Research Center, Oral Roberts University

Submissions from 1926


The Apostolic Faith 2 no. 5 (May 1926), Holy Spirit Research Center, Oral Roberts University


The Apostolic Faith 3 no. 3 (March 1927), Holy Spirit Research Center, Oral Roberts University

Submissions from 1925


Apostolic Faith 1 no. 5 (June 1925), Holy Spirit Research Center, Oral Roberts University


The Apostolic Faith 1. no. 3 (April 1925), Holy Spirit Research Center, Oral Roberts University


The Apostolic Faith 1 no. 6 (July 1925), Holy Spirit Research Center, Oral Roberts University