"The Pentecostal News vol 1, no 1 ( February 1912)" by Holy Spirit Research Center, Oral Roberts University

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The Pentecostal News was a paper started by the first head of the Oklahoma Conference of the Pentecostal Holiness, Harry P. Lott. The Pentecostal News was the forerunner of the Oklahoma Conference News. This is volume 1, issue 1, and is the only existing copy of this paper.

Harry P. Lott was a Free Methodist minster who had received the baptism with the Holy Spirit and began holding revival meetings in February 1907 at the Blue Front Saloon in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. After he joined the Pentecostal Holiness Church, he organized the first Pentecostal Holiness Church in Oklahoma City. Lott was also elected as the first Superintendent of the State Conference.

Included in this paper is an account of the history of the Pentecostal Mission in Oklahoma City, began by Harry Lott. It also includes an article chronicling his travels around the United States where he preached the Pentecostal message.



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