In this course, you can learn from Dr. Roy Hayden, former Professor of New Testament at Oral Roberts University School of Theology, about the principles of biblical interpretation. In this course Dr. Hayden covers translations of the Bible, genres of the Old and New Testaments, interpreting poetry and prose, and how to use the Bible
We are offering these courses free of charge to the global Spirit-empowered community in order to help provide quality theological education to ministers and lay people who don’t have access to formal education by other means. If you enjoy these courses and want to find out how to become a student at ORU, please click here: Learn More Here
Submissions from 2000
Introduction to Hermeneutics - Dr. Roy Hayden, Roy Haden
Translations of the Bible - Dr. Roy Hayden, Roy Haden
History of Hermeneutics - Dr. Roy Hayden, Roy Hayden
Interpreting Poetry and Prose, Part 2 - Dr. Roy Hayden, Roy Hayden
Interpreting Prose and Poetry Part 1 - Dr. Roy Hayden, Roy Hayden
Old Testament Genres - PT. 1 - Dr. Roy Hayden, Roy Hayden
The Interpreter and the Goal of Hermenutics - Dr. Roy Hayden, Roy Hayden