"Common Sense Management (Korean)" by R Henry Migliore

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The purpose of this book is to bridge the gap between today’s best recommended theories of management and the application of those theories. Each of the common sense principles are reinforced by Biblical principles. To this end, the book clearly explains and illustrates, with many real- life examples, the key areas of managerial responsibility that mean everything today -from principles of successful planning and goal-setting to methods for streamlining communications, from ways to dramatically increase productivity to techniques for sharpening your decision -making skills. But the real merit of this guide – the feature that sets it apart from other business books – is the way it boils down sometimes complex management theory to the bare essentials you can readily recall and easily apply.Consider, for example; “Care and Feeding” ( a simple exercise you can take to see right off what is at the root of most of your management problems); the “Iceberg Theory” ( how to install a communications system that gets everyone in time with organizational goals); the “Lawn Mowing Theory” (on helping your organization achieve its maximum potential); and much more. A guide for the manager who sincerely aspires to a position of increased responsibility – and income!The problem with life is . . . Life is a great journey through places and times, but some go through it without a map or guide! Life is a journey. Let the Bible be your map. Let God be your guide, and you shall never stray from the path.
