During the late 1970s, a number of conferences were held by various Charismatic groups within various Protestant and Catholic denominations including Notre Dame and Glencoe Conferences. This led to Vinson Synan, Kevin Ranagan, and Vernon Stoop and other leaders of these various groups to join together in 1985 to host conference to unite the various Charismatic renewal ministries. They formed a new committee to host the ecumenical conferences called the North American Renewal Service Committee (NARSC). Vinson Synan served as the Chairman. Together, they hosted conferences in the following years:

1986 - New Orleans

1987 - New Orleans

1988 - San Antonio

1990 - Indianapolis

1995 - Orlando

2000 - St. Louis

This collection contains collections of information and artifacts from these conferences. These materials are held in the Holy Spirit Resource Center


Browse the North American Renewal Service Committee Collections:

1987 Congress on the Holy Spirit and World Evangelism

NARSC Archival Documents