"Nursing interventions that address barriers in the United States that " by Victoria D. Sullivan and Ashton J. White

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In 2016, four out of every 1000 babies born in the US died within one month of age. This systematic research review explored nursing interventions that addressed barriers that impact neonatal mortality. The most significant barriers nurses faced in reducing and preventing NM were maternal access to healthcare and education during pregnancy, which can be influenced by maternal age, low socioeconomic status, lack of familial support, poor health literacy, and geographic location. The articles examined included nursing interventions that were evidence-based and addressed barriers relating to NM. Interventions promoting the reduction of NM included education of women’s health and prenatal lifestyle, safe neonatal practices, and education of nursing staff. Subsequently, the majority of the educational interventions was prenatal, so nurses need to fill more public nursing roles to reach the community and assess maternal health education and disparities unique to varying locations and socioeconomic statuses. Nursing education in maternal-newborn care is also imperative to impacting the reduction NM. If nurses are more equipped to better educate patients, it can result in improved neonatal outcomes.



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