In this course, Dr. Cheryl Iverson, former Professor of Old Testament at Oral Roberts University School of Theology, surveys story and themes in the books of the Old Testament.

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Submissions from 2000

6th Century Prophets - Part 1 - Dr. Cheryl Iverson, Cheryl Iverson

6th Century Prophets - Part 2 - Dr. Cheryl Iverson, Cheryl Iverson

7th Century Prophets, Part 1 - Dr. Cheryl Iverson, Cheryl Iverson

7th Century Prophets - Part 2 - Dr. Cheryl Iverson, Cheryl Iverson

Covenant and Law - Dr. Cheryl Iverson, Cheryl Iverson

Deuteronomy - Dr. Cheryl Iverson, Cheryl Iverson

Divided Kingdom Part 1 - Dr. Cheryl Iverson, Cheryl Iverson

Divided Kingdom Part 2 - Dr. Cheryl Iverson, Cheryl Iverson

Ecclesiastes and Lamentations - Dr. Cheryl Iverson, Cheryl Iverson

Exodus - Dr. Cheryl Iverson, Cheryl Iverson

Genesis - Dr. Cheryl Iverson, Cheryl Iverson

Genesis Fall and Flood - Dr. Cheryl Iverson, Cheryl Iverson

Hebrew Poetry and Psalms - Dr. Cheryl Iverson, Cheryl Iverson

Hebrew Poetry & Psalms - Dr. Cheryl Iverson, Cheryl Iverson

Israel's United Kingdom - Dr. Cheryl Iverson, Cheryl Iverson

Jacob and Esau - Dr. Cheryl Iverson, Cheryl Iverson

Joshua - Dr. Cheryl Iverson, Cheryl Iverson

Judges - Dr. Cheryl Iverson, Cheryl Iverson

Leviticus - Dr. Cheryl Iverson, Cheryl Iverson

Life of Joseph - Dr. Cheryl Iverson, Cheryl Iverson

Numbers - Dr. Cheryl Iverson, Cheryl Iverson

Old Testament Geography - Dr. Cheryl Iverson, Cheryl Iverson

Pentateuch - Dr. Cheryl Iverson, Cheryl Iverson

Testing of Abraham - Dr. Cheryl Iverson, Cheryl Iverson

The Call of Abraham - Dr. Cheryl Iverson, Cheryl Iverson

Tribes to Dynasty - Dr. Cheryl Iverson, Cheryl Iverson

United Monarchy & Solomon - Dr. Cheryl Iverson, Cheryl Iverson

Wisdom Literature - Dr. Cheryl Iverson, Cheryl Iverson