Promethia | Oral Roberts University

Promethia is Oral Roberts University's literary journal featuring poetry, short stories, one-act plays, artwork, and photography.

Promethia is a collection of ORU students, teachers, and alumni united in our vision to promote and create art on this campus and in the world while avoiding Christian sentimentality and pedantry.
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Promethia is a quest to find a common ground between artists and readers so they can walk and discuss what brings them together.

Promethia is a breath of the salty air that clears the lungs so that the artist can breathe clearly again.

Views expressed in the items posted on the Digital Showcase are those of the contributors only. Their publication on the Digital Showcase does not express or imply endorsement by the Digital Showcase or Oral Roberts University.

Current Volume: Volume 2023 (2024) 2023


Denalyn Kwok
Madison LoChiatto
Lucy Earley
Sydni Errickson
Jayleen Feemer-Colon
Vaviana Young
Emily Blevins
Christine Do
Faculty Advisor
Keith Gogan

Full Issue