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Once considered as a Cinderella in church growth and mission in the post-Edinburgh Conference era, the Korean church is given its due in this book. As a guide to Korean Christianity, it contains more than thirty chapters, written by historians, missiologists, sociologists, mission practitioners, pastors, and church leaders. They come from a wide range of church traditions, and also from within and without South Korea. This volume assesses the legacy and place of Korean Christianity and its mission, provides insightful and self-critical accounts in topics ranging from theories, policies, practices, and prospects, and offers a useful overview of how the Korean church grew into a missionary church. As a non-western major mission force, it has been equipping itself and others for service by broadening the understanding of God’s mission throughout the turbulent years of imperialism, post-colonialism and globalisation. The book, concluding with reflections on the future challenges and possibilities, is intended as an important gift to the Korean church and to world Christianity.

Publication Date



Volume 26


Regnum Books International




missions, missiology, Charismatic tradition, contextual theology, women, David Yonggi Cho


Missions and World Christianity

Korean Church: God's Mission Global Christianity



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