Digital Showcase - Research Symposium: eWOM Correlation with Apple Stock Price Behavior

Presenter Information

Joey Soeder


It is widely known that eWOM influences the decision-making process of retail consumers. With the rise of commission-free trading platforms, it may also influence a growing amount of retail investors and become more relevant than ever. This study took Twitter data about the Apple, Inc. stock and conducted a sentiment analysis using the Loughran lexicon. This aggregate sentiment was then compared to stock price behavior over intervals of one hour. Logistic modelling was used to determine correlation between the two variables. Using the model, an algorithm was created that predicted 81.25% of values correctly. These findings were then compared to previous studies to show that there is a possibility that an increase in retail investors caused by commission-free trading platforms has led to an increase of stock price volatility in reaction to eWOM communication.


eWOM, Consumer Behavior, Retail Investing, Twitter, Stock, Correlation, Prediction




College of Business

Included in

Business Commons


Apr 16th, 12:00 AM

eWOM Correlation with Apple Stock Price Behavior

It is widely known that eWOM influences the decision-making process of retail consumers. With the rise of commission-free trading platforms, it may also influence a growing amount of retail investors and become more relevant than ever. This study took Twitter data about the Apple, Inc. stock and conducted a sentiment analysis using the Loughran lexicon. This aggregate sentiment was then compared to stock price behavior over intervals of one hour. Logistic modelling was used to determine correlation between the two variables. Using the model, an algorithm was created that predicted 81.25% of values correctly. These findings were then compared to previous studies to show that there is a possibility that an increase in retail investors caused by commission-free trading platforms has led to an increase of stock price volatility in reaction to eWOM communication.


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