2014 |
Wednesday, January 1st |
"A Cautious Hermeneutical Relationship: The Influence Of Ludwig Feuerbach’s Philosophical Framework Within James H. Cone’s God Of The Oppressed"
Anthony Roberts
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12:00 AM
"A Hermeneutics of Ignorance: Ancient and Modern Power Narratives Contextualized in the Origins of Yahwism"
Hannah Kahn-Siegmund
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12:00 AM
A Re-evaluation of the apocalypse's bowl judgments
Daniel I. Morrison
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12:00 AM
"A Spirit-Sensitive Hermeneutics And Jesus’ Farewell Speech: A Socio-Rhetorical Reading Of The Spirit In John 13:33-17:26"
Riku P. Tuppurainen
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12:00 AM
"A Woman Shall Compass A Man: A Historical Look At The Development And Influence Of The Lawsonian Doctrine On African-American Pentecostalism"
Alexander Constantine Stewart
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12:00 AM
"An Incarnational Pneumatology Based On Romans 8.18-30: The Spirit As God’s Solidarity With A Suffering Creation"
Matthias Wenk
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12:00 AM
"An Interpretation of the Absence of God as an Encounter with God: Augmenting the Pentecostal Theology of an Experience with God"
Pam Walter Engelbert
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12:00 AM
Augustine and Pentecostals: Building a Hermeneutical Bridge Between Past and Present Experience in the Psalms"
Derek M. Geerlof
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12:00 AM
'“Behold, I Make All Things New:” Maintaining & Advancing Pentecostal Identity By Developing A Distinctive Liturgy"
Aaron D. Yenney
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12:00 AM
"Being There in the Text: Explorations in Biblical Hermeneutics with a Little Help from Heidegger"
Justin J. Evans
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12:00 AM
"Biblical Personalities And Trauma: Towards A Theology Of Wellbeing"
Valerie Rance
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12:00 AM
"Christian Healing Ministries and the Embodiment of Charismatic Prayer"
Peter Althouse
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12:00 AM
"Cognitive Penetration Of Pentecostal Hermeneutics"
Robert R. Wadholm
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12:00 AM
"Come Up Higher: Higher Life Historical/Theological Roots of the Pentecostal Movement"
Paul L. King
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12:00 AM
"Connecting Personal and Spiritual Growth: the Neglected Link in Discipleship"
Steve Lim
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12:00 AM
"Does The Spirit Play A Role In Hermeneutics? An Exegetical Response To A False Premise"
John C. Poirier
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12:00 AM
"Eat, Drink, and Be Merry: a Theology of Hospitality in Luke-Acts"
Martin William Mittelstadt
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12:00 AM
"Ecclesial Vocation, the Call to Holiness, and the Sanctifying Interpretation of Scripture"
Chris E.W. Green
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12:00 AM
"Ecoing Hirsch: Hermeneutics at the Poles"
Glen W. Menzies
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12:00 AM
"Evangelical Unity In The Pentecostal Theology"
Christopher Richmann
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12:00 AM
"Fundamental Missiological Declarations: A Review Of “Misiones En Conjunto De Las Asambleas De Dios De Iberoamerica” Identity"
DeLonn Rance
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12:00 AM
"Getting ‘Redemption Right’ Wrong: The Inconsistency Of Aspects Of A. B. Simpson's Doctrine Of Divine Healing With The Theology Of The Fourfold Gospel"
Bernie A.Van De Walle
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12:00 AM
"Girl Talk: A Feminist Re-Imagination of Pentecostal Theological Discourse and Experience"
Kimberly Ervin Alexander
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12:00 AM
'“. . . Give Them A King”: Prophetic Voice, Intentional Ambiguity And Lessons On The Ethics Of Power In The Books Of Samuel"
April Westbrook
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12:00 AM
"Grieving, Brooding, and Transforming: the Spirit, the Bible and Gender"
Cheryl Bridges Johns
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12:00 AM
"Healers, Pentecostals And Charismatics As Social Activists"
Gary K. Pranger
Oral Roberts University
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12:00 AM
"Healthy Doctrinal Foundations for Charismatic, Pentecostal, and Other Churches"
Allan Gravely
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12:00 AM
"Hermeneutical Issues in Romans 9: Election and Paul's Use of Scripture"
Steven Scott Alt
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12:00 AM
"Hermeneutics and the Church of the East in the First Millennium Missiological Context of Central/East Asia: Lessons for the Contemporary Globalized Church"
Paul W. Lewis
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12:00 AM
"Hermeneutics, Historical Narrative and Holy Land: Palestinian and Messianic Eschatologies of the Psalter"
Alicia Jackson
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12:00 AM
"How Primitive!: the Modern Pentecostal Movement as a Reflection of Cultural Primitivism"
Robert Berg
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12:00 AM
"I am Not Belligerent, I am Bored: Bernice Gerard, Her Feminist Ideologies, and Canadian Women in Ministry"
Linda M. Ambrose
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12:00 AM
"Interpreting the Holy Spirit Eschatologically--with Implications for Ministry and Spirit Baptism"
Andrew K. Gabriel
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12:00 AM
"Intuition and Imagination: Pentecostal Beliefs and Practices of Spirit Baptism Through a Postcolonial Reading of the Apostolic Faith"
Vince Le
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12:00 AM
"‘Is He Not Just Speaking Parables?’ Ezekiel’s Hidden Polemic Under Imperial Rule"
Sara Wells
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12:00 AM
"J.H. King's Theology and Practice of Pentecostal Preaching"
Tony G. Moon
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12:00 AM
"Jesus and the Blood Taboo Laws: a Hermeneutical Muddle"
Janet Meyer Everts
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12:00 AM
"Jonathan Edwards's Theology of Religious Affections: A Proposal for Postmodern Pentecostals"
Rebecca Nicol
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12:00 AM
"Keeping in Step with the Spirit: a Charismatic Formational Hermeneutic"
Rachel A. Fox
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12:00 AM
"Let There Be Life!: the Biology of Creation"
B. K. Mitchell
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12:00 AM
"Living In The Spirit: A Post-Constantinian And Trinitarian Methodology For Retrieving The Early Pentecostals’ Social Ethic"
Andréa Snavely
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12:00 AM
"Locating the Spirit in Meaning Experience: Empirical Theology"
Mark J. Cartledge
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12:00 AM
'“Love Your Neighbor!” Truth, Tolerance, And The Shaping Of Meaning: A Pentecostal Response To The Debate Over Same-Sex Marriage"
Desiree Wyndham
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12:00 AM
"Missionary Methods: St. Paul's, St. Roland's, or Ours?"
Robert L. Gallagher
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12:00 AM
"On Pentecostal Spirituality: the Quest for a Deeper Formation"
Deborah Gill
Stephanie Nance
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12:00 AM
"On Pentecostal Spirituality: The Quest For a Deeper Formation"
Deborah Gill
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12:00 AM
"Online Alter Calls: the Ethics and Meaning of Uploading Someone Else's Religions Experience"
Jeff C. Magruder
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12:00 AM
"Pentecostal Community And The Formation of Pentecostal Identity Among Hispanic Immigrants"
Eduardo Nieves
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12:00 AM
"Pentecostal Hermeneutics and the Normativity of the Apostolic New Testament Community"
James D. Hernando
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12:00 AM
"Pentecostal “Body” Politics: Footwashing And Its Significance For A Pentecostal And Political Identity"
Lisa P. Stephenson
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12:00 AM
"Philosophy and Development Psychology: an Analysis
William K. Kay
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12:00 AM
"Plato’s Letter 7: Hermeneutics Of The Mind"
Douglas F. Olena
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12:00 AM
"Presidential Audio"
LeeRoy Martin
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12:00 AM
"Radical Networks in the UK and Ecumenism"
William K. Kay
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12:00 AM
"Radical Orthodoxy, Pentecostalism, And Embodiment In Exodus 20: Re-Envisioning Pentecostal Liturgy For Person Formation"
Yoon Shin
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12:00 AM
"Reading In The Spirit: A Post-Constantinian Method For A Pentecostal Hermeneutic"
Andréa D. Snavely
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12:00 AM
"Reading Leviticus Consistently: a Hermeneutic for Applying Both Clean/Unclean Rules and the Homosexual Relations Prohibition Today"
Roger D. Cotton
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12:00 AM
"Redemption and the Hermeneutics of Embodiment: Creation, Incarnation and Theosis"
Daniela C. Augustine
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12:00 AM
"Reflections of an Outsider on the Current Status of Pentecostalism"
Donald E. Miller
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12:00 AM
"Situating Social Justice Within Renewal Thought And Praxis"
Michae Palmer
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12:00 AM
"Sixteenth Century Anabaptism and the Manifestation of Glossolalia"
Charles Byrd
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12:00 AM
"Spirit And Prejudice"
Merold Westphal
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12:00 AM
"Spirit And Prejudice: The Dialectic Of Interpretation"
Merold Westphal
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12:00 AM
"Spirit Baptism In communal Perspective: The Challenge of Traditioning Pentecostal Spirituality"
Peter D. Neumann
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12:00 AM
"Surprising Bedfellows: Hermeneutics of Faith and Science Integration"
David R. Bundrick
Michael Tenneson
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12:00 AM
"Surprising Bedfellows: Hermeneutics Of Faith And Science Integration"
David R. Bundrick
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12:00 AM
"Teresa of Avila and Early Pentecostals: Similarities and Variances"
Lisa Millen
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12:00 AM
"Texas as Pentecostalism's Second Birthplace"
J Gordon Melton
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12:00 AM
"That Night On The Threshing Floor: Reading Ruth Reading Us"
Jared S. Runck
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12:00 AM
The "Role Of The Holy Spirit In Hermeneutics: The Pentecostal Edge?"
Bradley Truman Noel
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12:00 AM
"The Challenge and the Promise of a Hermeneutics of Testimony"
Scott Ellington
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12:00 AM
"The Devil's Suicide: Early Pentecostal Hermeneutics of Space and Their Ecotheological Implications"
Brandon Hubbard-Heitz
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12:00 AM
The Early Doctrine of Theotokos and a Pentecostal Response"
Margaret English de Alminana
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12:00 AM
"The Ethical Primacy of the Poor in the Hermeneutics of Change in Gustavo Gutierrez's Theology of Liberation"
Joseph Davis
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12:00 AM
"The Experience of Call to Ministry as a Process of Meaning-Making"
Susan L. Moros
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12:00 AM
The God of The Heavens is Most High: Negotiating The Identities of God(s) Daniel 1-7
Meghan D. Musy
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12:00 AM
"The Leading of the Holy Spirit: A Pentecostal Perspective of the Spirit's Role in Biblical Interpretation"
Adrian Hinkle
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12:00 AM
"The Person and Work of the Holt Spirit in the Process of Contextualization Using the Missional Helix"
Mark Hausfeld
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12:00 AM
"The Place Of Intimacy In The Interpretation Of Biblical Metaphors: The Promised Land As Flowing With Milk And Honey"
Bob Stallman
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12:00 AM
"The Problem of Herem Through the Lens of Jewish Interpretation Across the Centuries"
William L. Lyons, Oral Roberts University
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12:00 AM
"The Role Of The Spirit In Interpretation: An Ecumenical And Comparative Discussion Of Karl Barth And Kenneth Archer"
Todd Pokrifka
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12:00 AM
"The Sententiae of Peter Lombard"
John Marshall Loving
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12:00 AM
"The Theological Significance Of Yôm In Genesis 1"
Rick Wadholm Jr.
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12:00 AM
"The Torah and Worship"
R Jerome Boone
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12:00 AM
"The ‘Sinless Man’ Of Oneness — A Non-Chalcedonian ‘Incarnation’'
David A. Reed
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12:00 AM
"Then You Shall Know That I am the Lord: Spirit, Scripture and Community and the Tridactic Negotiation for Meaning in Ezekiel 14:1-11"
Micheline Facey
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12:00 AM
"Thomas King Leonard: a Truly Indispensable Man"
P Douglas Chapman
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12:00 AM
"To Build of To Be: a Pentecostal's Intertexual Exploration of Sarah's Scheme"
Narelle Melto
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12:00 AM
"Tongues And The Revelation Of Being: Reading Pentecostal Spirituality With Heidegger"
Jared Vázquez
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12:00 AM
"Towards A Pneumatic Biblical Hermeneutics That Takes Into Account Jewish Hermeneutical Practices"
Alicia Angelica Panganiban
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12:00 AM
"Transforming Renewal Through a Charismatic-Catholic Encounter: an Experience in Receptive Ecumenism"
Andy Lord
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12:00 AM
"What Has Boston to do with Los Angeles? Pentecostals and the Pragmatic Imagination"
Randall Holm
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12:00 AM
"When God Speaks: Modifications within the Hermeneutical Basics and Confirming Praxis of Revelation within the Thought of the Later Gutierrez"
Joseph Davis
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