2.2 Pentecostal History and Oral Roberts: Oral Roberts and Higher Education

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"Where the Spirit Leads Me": An Oral History of the Life and Ministry of Vinson Synan, Ph.D. by Daniel D. Isgrigg, Director of the Holy Spirit Research Center, Oral Roberts University.

"Pentecostal History and Oral Roberts: Oral Roberts and Higher Education"
Synan talks about the history of Oral Roberts interest in higher education and his role in founding Southwestern Pentecostal Holiness College in Oklahoma City and the founding of Oral Roberts University. He also talked about how Synan’s father and the PH Church reacted to Roberts starting ORU and his participation in the dedication of ORU in 1967. Synan also discusses the story of the controversies of PH leaders R.O. Corvin and G.H. Montgomery.

©2019, Holy Spirit Research Center, Oral Roberts University
