Content Posted in 2020
01 -- A Man of Two Worlds, Jerry W. Horner
01 -- Historical Background, Jerry W. Horner
01-- The Interbiblical Period, Jerry W. Horner
02-- Social and Religious Conditions in the Ancient World of the 1st Century, Jerry W. Horner
02 -- The Gospel Record, Jerry W. Horner
03 -- The Early Church, Jerry W. Horner
03 -- The Historical Record Apart From The Gospel, Jerry W. Horner
03-- Various Religious Institutions Among the Jews, Jerry W. Horner
04 -- Paul the Persecutor, Jerry W. Horner
04 -- Preparation for the Coming of Christ, part 1, Jerry W. Horner
04 -- The Person of Christ: Titles, Jerry W. Horner
05 -- Preparation for the coming of Christ, part 2, Jerry W. Horner
05 -- The Conversion and Call of Paul, Jerry W. Horner
05 -- The Person of Christ: Titles, part 2, Jerry W. Horner
06 -- The Beginning of Paul's Missionary Career, Jerry W. Horner
06 -- The Deity of Christ, Jerry W. Horner
06 -- The Formation of the New Testament, Jerry W. Horner
07 -- Church Crisis and Westward Expansion, Jerry W. Horner
07 -- The Development of the New Testament Canon, Jerry W. Horner
07 -- The Humanity of Christ, Jerry W. Horner
08 -- New Testament Criticism, Jerry W. Horner
08 -- The Teachings of Christ, Jerry W. Horner
08 -- Witness in Macedonia and Greece, Jerry W. Horner
09 -- The Four Gospels part 1, Jerry W. Horner
09 -- The Thessalonians Epistles, Jerry W. Horner
09 -- The Work of Christ, Jerry W. Horner
10 -- Paul's Third Missionary Journey, Jerry W. Horner
10 -- The Four Gospels, part 2, Jerry W. Horner
10 -- The Pre-Existence and Incarnation of Christ, Jerry W. Horner
11 -- First Corinthians, Jerry W. Horner
11 -- The Childhood and First Public Ministry of Christ, Jerry W. Horner
11 -- The Life of Jesus, part 1, Jerry W. Horner
12-- Second Corinthians, Jerry W. Horner
12 -- The Early Judean Ministry, Jerry W. Horner
12 -- The Life of Jesus, part 2, Jerry W. Horner
13 -- The Birth and Early Childhood of Christ, Jerry W. Horner
13 -- The Great Galilean Ministry, Jerry W. Horner
14 -- Romans 1-7, Jerry W. Horner
14 -- Sabbath Controversies and the Sermon on the Mount, Jerry W. Horner
14 -- The Inauguration of the Ministry of Jesus, Jerry W. Horner
15 -- Romans 8-16, Jerry W. Horner
15 -- The Public Ministry of Jesus, Jerry W. Horner
15 -- The Sermon on the Mount, Jerry W. Horner
16 -- Continuation of the Galilean Ministry, Jerry W. Horner
16 -- The Captivity of Paul, Jerry W. Horner
16 -- The Great Galilean Ministry of Jesus, Jerry W. Horner
17 -- Journey to Rome, Jerry W. Horner
17 -- Parabolic Teaching, Jerry W. Horner
17 -- Religious Leaders Hound Jesus, Jerry W. Horner
17th International Convention of the FGBMFI, Chicago, IL, Derek Prince, Derek Prince
17th International Convention of the FGBMFI, Chicago, ILL, Arthur Katz, Arthur Katz
17th International Convention of the FGBMFI, Chicago, IL, Velmer Gardner, Velmer Gardner
18 -- Paul's Letters to the Philippians, Jerry W. Horner
18 -- The Power of Jesus Illustrated and Imparted, Jerry W. Horner
18 -- The Sermon on the Mount, Jerry W. Horner
1955 Billings Montana Oral Roberts Healing Crusade Card, Oral Roberts
1959 Los Angeles FGBMF Convention, Kermit Bradford and James Brown
1959 Washington DC FGBMF Convention, John French and Charles Sullivan
1963 Chicago FGBMF Convention, "From Judaism to Jesus", Paul Wortzman, Paul Wortzman
1963 Phoenix FGBMF Regional Conference, Lee Braxton and Gordon Lindsay
1963 Phoenix FGBMF Regional Conference - Dr. William S. Reed, William Standish Reed MD
1963 Phoenix Regional FGBMFI Convention, Demos Shakarian
1963 Phoenix Regional FGBMFI Convention, Demos Shakarian, Velmer Gardner, and William Branham
1963 Washington DC FGBMF Convention, Peter Vroom and Kermit Bradford
1963 Washington DC FGBMFI Testimony Brother Lucas and Brother Rowe, Demos Shakarian
1964 Phoenix FGBMF Regional Conference, Kenneth Hagin, Derek Prince, and William Branham
1964 Phoenix FGBMF Regional Conference - Various Testimonies, Various Speakers and Demos Shakarian
1965 FGBMFI Testimonie, Ike Akamine
1965 Phoenix FGBMF Regional Conference, John Sherrill, William Branham, and Demos Shakarian
1965 Phoenix FGBMF Regional Conference, Kenneth Hagin
1965 Phoenix FGBMF Regional Conference, Unknown Author
1965 Phoenix FGBMF Regional Conference - Bobby Rich Testimony, Bobby Rich
1965 Phoenix Regional FGBMFI Convention, Demos Shakarian, Demos Shakarian
1965 Phoenix Regional FGBMFI Convention, Derek Prince, Derek Prince and Demos Shakarian
1967 Phoenix FGBMF Regional Conference - "Christianity Behind the Iron Curtin," Richard Wurmbrand, Richard Wurmbrand
1968 Phoenix FGBMFI Convention, Demos Shakarian
1969 Will Rogers High School Commencement Address, Oral Roberts
1970 FGBMFI Convention, Chicago IL, Jim Brown, Jim Brown, Eugene Stenzel, and Velmer Gardner
1970 FGBMFI Convention, Chicago IL, Peter Marshall, Peter Marshall
1970 St. Louis Regional FGBMFI Convention, Derek Prince, Derek Prince
1970 St. Louis Regional FGBMFI Convention, Derek Prince, Derek Prince
1970 St. Louis Regional FGBMFI Convention, Derek Prince, Derek Prince
1970 St. Louis Regional FGBMFI Convention, Harold Bredesen, Harold Bredesen
1971 Central High School Assembly Address, Oral Roberts
1977 ORU Promo Video, Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
19 -- Colossians and Philemon, Jerry W. Horner
19 -- The Parables and Miracles of Jesus, Jerry W. Horner
19 -- The Period of Withdrawals, Jerry W. Horner
2010 Empowered21 Global Congress on the Holy Spirit Program, Empowered21 Committee
20 -- Ephesians, Jerry W. Horner
20 -- Jesus Teaching on the Sea of Galilee, Jerry W. Horner
20 -- More Withdrawals, Jerry W. Horner
21 -- Galilean and Judean Ministry, Jerry W. Horner
21 -- Jesus Prepares His Disciples, Jerry W. Horner
21 -- The Pastoral Epistles, Jerry W. Horner
22 -- Jesus at Caesarea Philippi, Jerry W. Horner
22 -- The Later Judean Ministry, Jerry W. Horner
22 -- The Pastoral Epistles: Titus and II Timothy, Jerry W. Horner
23 -- Paul's Concept of God and Man, Jerry W. Horner
23 -- The Perean Ministry, Jerry W. Horner
23 -- The Transfiguration of Jesus, Jerry W. Horner
24 -- Conclusion of the Perean ministry, Jerry W. Horner
24 -- Salvation by Faith: The Divine Initiative, Jerry W. Horner
24 -- The Final Months of Jesus' Ministry, Jerry W. Horner
25 -- Salvation Through Faith, Redemption Through Christ, Jerry W. Horner
25 -- The Final Jerusalem Ministry, Jerry W. Horner
25 -- The Last Week of Jesus' Ministry, Jerry W. Horner
26 -- Life in Christ: The Believer's Relationship With God, Jerry W. Horner
26 -- The Last Days of Jesus, Jerry W. Horner
26 -- The Last Public Ministry and Eschatological Teachings, Jerry W. Horner
27 -- Jesus' Trial, Jerry W. Horner
27 -- Life in Christ: The Believer's Relationship to Self and Others, Jerry W. Horner
27 -- Teaching in the Upper Room and on the Way to Gethsemane, Jerry W. Horner
28 -- Jesus' Resurrection, Jerry W. Horner
28 -- Living in Christ: Freedom and Service, Jerry W. Horner
28 -- The Arrest and Trial of Jesus, Jerry W. Horner
29 -- Living in Christ: Fellowship and Spirit, Jerry W. Horner
29 -- The Crucifixion and Burial of Jesus, Jerry W. Horner
29 -- The Expansion of the Church, part 1, Jerry W. Horner
30 -- A Summary of Paul, Jerry W. Horner
30 -- The Expansion of the Church, part 2, Jerry W. Horner
30 -- The Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus, Jerry W. Horner
31 -- Saul's Conversion, Jerry W. Horner
32 -- The Ministry of Peter, Jerry W. Horner
33 -- Paul's First Missionary Journey, Jerry W. Horner
34 -- Paul's Second Missionary Journey, Jerry W. Horner
35 -- Paul's Mission to Rome and His Writings, Jerry W. Horner
36 -- Letters of the New Testament, Jerry W. Horner
37 -- Paul's Letters, Jerry W. Horner
38 -- 2nd Corinthians and Galatians, Jerry W. Horner
39 -- Galatians and Romans, Jerry W. Horner
40 -- Romans and the Prison Letters, Jerry W. Horner
41 -- Ephesians and Philippians, Jerry W. Horner
42 -- I Timothy, Titus, II Timothy, Hebrews, Jerry W. Horner
43 -- Hebrews, James, 1 Peter, Jerry W. Horner
44 -- 2 Peter, Jude, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John, Revelation, Jerry W. Horner
45 -- Revelation, Jerry W. Horner
7th Annual Convention of the Full Gospel Businessmen's Fellowship, Los Angeles, CA, John Osteen and Gerald Derstine
9 Gifts of the Spirit, Arturo Skinner
"A Form of Godliness" William S. Reed FGBMFI, William S. Reed
A Hand Touched Me, Oral Roberts
A History of the Pentecostal Collection (HSRC) & Pentecostal Movement, Juanita Walker
A Hopeful Eschatology and the Role of the Ekklesia Prior to the Parousia, Charles H. Graves
A Light Because the Lord Was There - Church by the Side of the Road Broadcast, Edna Jean Horn
Ambassadors for Jesus Christ, J. A. Dennis
A Message to Pastors, Oral Roberts
". . . And Forbid Not To Speak With Tongues", Howard M. Ervin
An evaluation of a leader development plan in western Pennsylvania, Joseph C. Lazurek III
An evaluation of the journey within: soul care in the African American context, Sakinah O’ Kane- Smith
An exegetical case for Spirit indwelling in the Old Testament, John M. King
An Hour With Norman Grubb, Norman Grubb
"Announcement of 8 Million Goal Reached," Richard Roberts TV Show, April 1 1987,, Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library, Richard Roberts, and Oral Roberts
Anointing by the Holy Spirit, Ken Ellingson
Apostolic Faith Messenger (April 1934), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (April 1936), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (April 1938), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (April 1940), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (April 1943), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (Apr-May 1933), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (Aug-Sept 1933), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (Aug-Sept 1936), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (Aug-Sept 1940), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (August 1938), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (August 1942), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (August 1943), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (December 1933), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (December 1935), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (December 1936), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (December 1938), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (December 1940), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (December 1941), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (December 1942), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (December 1943), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (Feb-Mar 1933), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (Feb-Mar 1934), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (Feb-Mar 1940), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (February 1936), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (February 1937), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (February 1938), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (February 1939), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (Jan-Feb 1935), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (Jan-Feb 1943), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (January 1933), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (January 1934), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (January 1936), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (January 1937), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (January 1939), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (January 1940), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (January 1941), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (July 1933), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (July 1935), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (July 1936), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (July 1941), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (July 1942), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (July-Aug 1934), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (July-Aug. 1937), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (July-Sept 1939), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (June 1933), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (June 1935), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (June 1936), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (June 1937), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (June-July 1938), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (June-July 1943), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (Mar-Apr 1937), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (Mar-Apr 1939), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (March 1938), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (March 1942), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (March 1943), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (May 1937), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (May 1938), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (May 1941), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (May 1942), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (May 1943), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (May-July 1940), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (May-June 1934), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (May-June 1939), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (Nov-Dec 1934), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (November 1932), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (November 1933), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (November 1935), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (November 1936), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (November 1937), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (November 1942), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (November 1943), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (Oct-Dec 1939), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (Oct-Nov 1940), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (October 1933), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (October 1934), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (October 1936), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (October 1937), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (October 1938), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (October 1941), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (October 1943), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (September 1934), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (September 1935), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (September 1937), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (September 1938), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (September 1943), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (Sept-Nov 1942), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger (Sept-Oct 1932), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger Vol 1, No 10 (June 1931), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger Vol 1, No 11-12 (August-September 1931), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger Vol 1, No 1 (September 1930), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger Vol 1, No 2 (October 1930), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger Vol 1, No 3 (November 1930), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger Vol 1, No 4 (December 1930), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger Vol 1, No 5 (January 1931), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger Vol 1, No 6-7 (February 1931), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger Vol 1, No 8 (April 1931), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger Vol 1, No 9 (May 1931), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger Vol 2, No 10 (August 1932), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger Vol 2, No 1 (October 1931), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger Vol 2, No 2 (November 1931), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger Vol 2, No 3 (December 1931), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger Vol 2, No 4 (January 1932), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger Vol 2, No 5 (February 1932), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger Vol 2, No 6 (November 1932), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger Vol 2, No 7 (May 1932), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Apostolic Faith Messenger Vol 2, No 9 (July 1932), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Asbury Revival Team Testimony - FGBMFI - West Layfayette, Indiana 4-16-1970, Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
"As Dr. Speicher Sees It" - Zion City News (June 25, 1907), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Asia, anonymous
Asian Journal of Pentecostal Studies 18, no. 1 (February 2015), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Asian Journal of Pentecostal Studies 18, no. 2 (August 2015), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Asian Journal of Pentecostal Studies 19, no. 1 (February 2016), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Asian Journal of Pentecostal Studies 19, no. 2, (August 2016), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Asian Journal of Pentecostal Studies, 20.1, 2017, Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Asian Journal of Pentecostal Studies 22, no. 2 (August 2019), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Asian Journal of Pentecostal Studies 23, no. 1 (February 2020), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Asian Journal of Pentecostal Studies 23, no. 2 (August 2020),, Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
A Theoretical Perspective of Culturally Responsive Andragogy for International English Learners in American Higher Education Institutions, Marcia P. Livingston-Galloway and Janet George
Attack Your Lack - ORU Chapel - 1-16-1986, Oral Roberts
Baptism in the Holy Spirit, Jim Brown
"Baptism with Fire", Brick Bradford
Behind the Icons: ORU Cityplex Towers - KTUL, Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Believing, Practicing, and Practicing the Whole Gospel, Brick Bradford
Benefits of Blood Flow Restriction in Exercise and Rehabilitation, Ty Roberts
Be Not Conformed - Romans 8 - Church by the Side of the Road Broadcast, Edna Jean Horn
Be Positive, Mary Light
Beyond the Five-fold Gospel: In Pursuit of A Pentecostal Mandate for the Twentv-First Century, S Bertram Robinson
Bibliography of Oral Roberts Articles in the Pentecostal Holiness Advocate, Daniel D. Isgrigg
"Blame the Devil" Topeka Daily Herald (July 30, 1906), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
"Blindness and Cancer Cured by Religion." St. Louis Daily Globe Democrat (January 2, 1904), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Booker T. Washington High School Desegregation Announcement, Oral Roberts
Book Reviews, Larry Hart, Mark E Roberts, Sally Shelton, Jeffrey Voth, Monte Lee Rice, Robert D. McBain, and Joji Mathew
Bulgarian Pentecostal Leadership in the Crucible of Change, John Paul Thompson
Can Evangelicals and Charismatics Live Together, Brick Bradford
"Carrying the Cross" Arthur Blessit - Oct 2, 1984 ORU Chapel, Arthur Blessitt
Chapel Transcript: Announcement of the ORU School of Medicine 4-8-1975, Oral Roberts
Charismatic Leadership Theory: A Shadow Side Confessed, Roger Heuser and Byron Klaus
Charles Stanley’s Pentecostal Roots, Vinson Synan
Christmas Message 1953 - Church by the Side of the Road Broadcast, Edna Jean Horn
City of Faith Dedication: Part One 11-6-1981, Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
City of Faith Dedication: Part Two 11-7-1981, Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Community services by Haitian churches in New York City as a means of fulfilling the great commission: a qualitative investigation, Sandra Saint-Surin
“Continent of losing its Christian heritage or finding afresh its real roots?: The Spirit empowered Christians – the hope for Europe”, Arto Hamalinen
"Creation and Formation" Houston Daily Post (August 13, 1905), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Creation Care as Caring for Human Beings: An Environmental Justice Case Study, Jeffrey S. Lamp, Kathryn J. Moder, Megan R. Munhoffen, Cade A. Rich, and Nathan B. Von Atzigen
"Dare to Join" Bill Shuler - Jan 8, 1992 - ORU Chapel, Bill Shuler
"Declare Parham is Gaining." Waukegan Daily Gazette (September 28, 1906), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
"Demand Prisoners Be Given Liberty." Los Angeles Herald (February 2, 1908), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Demons - ORU Chapel - 2-26-1971, Oral Roberts
Demos Shakarian discusses his relationship with A.C. Valdez, Demos Shakarian and A. C. Valdez
Development of the Theoretical Framework of Nursing for the Whole Person at Oral Roberts University, I. Tomine Tjelta
Discipleship in Columbia, Rich Castellanos and Mauela Castellanos
Divine Purpose, Rufus Moseley
"Dowie Good-By Bitter; Reviles Wife and Son", Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Dr. Chris Woodard - Healing from Cancer, Chris Woodard
Dr. Kenneth Cooper - FGBMFI, Kenneth Cooper
"Dr. Parham Arrives." Houston (Aug 1906), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Dr. William Sanford LaSor, "The Humanity of Christ," ORU Chapel (March 2, 1967), William Sanford LaSor
Easter In the Garden - Church by the Side of the Road Broadcast, Edna Jean Horn
Easter Sermon - Church by the Side of the Road Broadcast, Edna Jean Horn
Editorial: Earthly Minded and Heavenly Good?, Jeffrey S. Lamp
Editorial: Post COVID 19 Christian Higher Education, Hayoung Lim
Editorial: Spirit-empowered Leadership: Leading and Being Led, John Paul Thompson
Editor's Note, Jeffrey S. Lamp
Effects of Exercise for Depression, Rebecca Gleason
Effects of the Charismatic Renewal Upon My Parish, William A. Hio
"Elijah and the Widow of Zarephath," ORU Chapel Transcript 11-9-1979, Oral Roberts
Empowered21 Conversation Executive Summary, Empowered21 Committee
Empowered 21 Conversation Leadership Participants, Empowered21 Committee
"Expect a Miracle with Oral and Richard Roberts", City of Faith, Aug 19, 1984, Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Faith, Norman Woodford
"Faith in God and His Word", J. A. Dennis
Feasts of the Lord: Pentecost, Ralph Mahoney
"Female/Male Pairs in Luke: Gender Balance in Proclaiming the Word of God", Rick L. Williamson
FGBMFI - Dr. Victor G. Dawe - Aug 1969, Victor G. Dawe
FGBMFI - Howard Ervin, Kenneth Hagin - 7-5-1966, Howard M. Ervin and Kenneth E. Hagin
FGBMFI - Miner Arganbright - 1-25-1965, Miner Arganbright
FGBMFI Phoenix Convention, 1966, Cliff Custer & Kenneth Hagin, Kenneth E. Hagin and Cliff Custer
Flor y Canto Apost6lico: Preliminary Inquiries Into Latino Pentecostal Hymnody, Daniel Ramirez
Frank Laubach - My Life Story, Frank Laubach
"From Immigration to Migration: The Contributions of African Caribbean Americans and West Indians to the American Pentecostal Movement", Alexander Stewart
Front Matter, Spiritus Editors
Front Matter - Spiritus 5, Vol 2 (2020)
Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship
Full Issue - Spiritus 5, Vol 2 (2020), Spiritus Journal
Full Issue: Volume 5, Number 1 (2020), Spiritus Editors
Fundraising for City of Faith from the Prayer Tower, Oral Roberts, March 22 1987, Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
"Gender, Race, and Healing in the Holiness/Pentecostal Traditions: Intersections and Trajectories", Anthea D. Butler
"Getting Your Needs Met," ORU Chapel Transcript, 3-14-1969, Oral Roberts
"G.F. Taylor and The Formation of The Pentecostal Holiness Church's Missionary Endeavor", H Stanley York
Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Doug Weed
God Has Spoken - Church by the Side of the Road Broadcast, Edna Jean Horn
God's Insurance Policy, J. A. Dennis
God's Insurance Policy - J. A. Dennis, J. A. Dennis
"Good Advice" - Bill Shuler - Mar 5, 1993 - ORU Chapel, Bill Shuler
Healing the Whole Man, Oral Roberts
"Healing Your Relationship with God" - Bill Shuler - Sept 23, 1992 - ORU Chapel, Bill Shuler
"Hearing God's Voice" Terry Law - Oct 29, 2003 - ORU Chapel, Terry Law
Historical development of definitions of information literacy: A literature review of selected resources, Angela Sample
History and Humanities Reader: The Modern World II 1850 to the Present, Gary K. Pranger
Holy Ghost Service - Pt. 7 - January 1967, Kenneth E. Hagin
Holy Ghost Service - Pt. 8 - January 1967, Kenneth E. Hagin
"Holy Ghost Set-Up: Victory Outreach and the Search for a Latino/a Pentecostal Identity.", Arlene M. Sanchez-Walsh
Holy Spirit in the Episcopal Church, Testimony of Rev Robert Whitaker, Robert Whitaker
Honor Code Chapel, ORU Chapel Transcripts, 8-24-1979, Oral Roberts
Hope vs. Faith - Church by the Side of the Road Broadcast, Edna Jean Horn
How To Get Your Prayers Answered, J. A. Dennis
How to Receive the Holy Spirit, Merlin R. Carothers
How to Receive the Holy Spirit, Ray Bloomfield
How to Stay Filled with the Holy Spirit, Vic Dunning
How to Stir up the Gifts, John Osteen
“I and Thou: Rethinking Spirit-Empowered Missions in South Asia”, Brainerd Prince
Idle Words - Church by the Side of the Road Broadcast, Edna Jean Horn
If Any Man Thirst - Church by the Side of the Road Broadcast, Edna Jean Horn
In Memoriam : Vinson Synan: Model of Spirit-led Leadership, Sally Jo Shelton
Interview with Ruth Kenyon, Daughter of E. W. Kenyon, Daniel McConnell and Ruth Kenyon
Introduction to the Baptism in the Holy Spirit, Brick Bradford
"I Tried Poverty": Exploring the Psychological Impact of Poverty and Prosperity in the Life of Oral Roberts, Daniel D. Isgrigg
"I Tried Poverty": Exploring the Psychological Impact of Poverty and Prosperity in the Life of Oral Roberts, Daniel D. Isgrigg
It's Your Move - J. A. Dennis, J. A. Dennis
Ivans Correll Testimony, Ivans Correll
J. A. Dennis, 1967 Southwest FGBMFI, J. A. Dennis
J. A. Dennis, The HOly Spirit, 1967 Southwest FGBMFI,, J. A. Dennis
Jerry Jensen, 1965 Phoenix FGBMFI, Jerry Jenseb
Jesus the Great High Priest - Church by the Side of the Road Broadcast, Edna Jean Horn
Jesus the Healer, Peter Marshall
Keys to a Spirit-filled Life - Part 1, George R. Callahan
Keys to a Spirit-filled Life - Part 2, George R. Callahan
Keys to a Spirit-filled Life - Part 3, George R. Callahan
Know About Salvation - Church by the Side of the Road Broadcast, Edna Jean Horn
Knowledge of Things Unseen, Rebecca Skaggs
Know So or Hope So - Church by the Side of the Road Broadcast, Edna Jean Horn
“Let the River Flows: A Reflection on the Church Planting Efforts of A Chinese American Spirit-Empowered Church”, Stephen Yeem
"Light a Candle" - Terry Law Feb 13, 2002 - ORU Chapel, Terry Law
"Lord Increase our Faith", J. A. Dennis
Los Angeles Pentecostalism Before the War: Cooperation and Conflict Among Churches in the 1930's and early 1940's, Kira M. HIlden-Minton
Manifestations of the Spirit, Noel Brooks
Mark Burbridge Testimony - Las Vegas FGBMFI Convention, Mark Burbridge and Demos Shakarian
Married to Jesus - J. A. Dennis, J. A. Dennis
Matthew 12:40, Morris Kullman
Merin R. Carothers - FGBMFI, Merlin R. Carothers and Demos Shakarian
Might Levers of Prayer, Glenn Clark
“Migration and Evangelism in the Middle East and North Africa”, Stavros Ignatiou
Ministering to the minister's wife: preparation for life in the pastorate, Sheryl D. Tresfgar
Missions Chapel - Terry Law - Feb 23, 2001 - ORU Chapel, Terry Law
Montanism: Pagan Frenzy? or Pentecostal Fervor?, Eddie L. Hyatt
MORE THAN FUNDAMENTALISTS: Fundamentalist Influences within the Assemblies of God, 1914- 1942, Zachary M. Tackett
Motum Dei Immobilis: In Defense of Aquinas’s Doctrine of Divine Immutability, J. Elias Stone
My Personal Word about David Harrell, Oral Roberts
New Student Chapel - Aug 21, 1992 - ORU Chapel, Bill Shuler and Oral Roberts
Nurturing adolescent lifelong discipleship: implementing a hermeneutic of adoption at St. Paul United Methodist Church, David S. Showater
Oracle (Apr 11, 1975), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Oracle (Apr 1, 1975) April Fools Edition, Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Oracle (Apr 18, 1975), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Oracle (Apr 26, 1974), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Oracle (Apr 30, 1975), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Oracle (April 4, 1975), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Oracle (Aug 24, 1974), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Oracle (Dec 6, 1974), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Oracle (Feb 14, 1975), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Oracle (Feb 21, 1975), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Oracle (Feb 28, 1975), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Oracle (Feb 7, 1975), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Oracle (Jan 17, 1975), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Oracle (Jan 24, 1975), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Oracle (Jan 31, 1975), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Oracle (Mar 28, 1975), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Oracle (Mar 6, 1975), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Oracle (Nov 1, 1974), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Oracle (Nov 15, 1974), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Oracle (Nov 22, 1974), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Oracle (Nov 8, 1974), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Oracle (Oct 11, 1974), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Oracle (Oct 18, 1974), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Oracle (Oct 25, 1974), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Oracle (Oct 4, 1974), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Oracle (Sep 13, 1974), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Oracle (Sep 20, 1974), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Oracle (Sep 27, 1974), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Oral Roberts: A Legacy of Faith (CBN Report), Oral Roberts
Oral Roberts, "Driftwood Set Afire," ORU Chapel (September 13, 1966), Oral Roberts
Oral Roberts Healing Campaign Brochure, Oral Roberts
Oral Roberts Meeting with Bishops, Oral Roberts
Oral Roberts, "My Early Life and Healing," ORU Chapel (Nov 14, 1967), Oral Roberts
Oral Roberts Oklahoma Hall of Fame Introduction, Robert LaFortune and Oral Roberts
Oral Roberts on 700 Club Nov 6, 1978, Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Oral Roberts, ORU Chapel (November 20, 1966), Oral Roberts
Oral Roberts, "The Lords Supper," ORU Seminary Chapel (Oct 5, 1967), Oral Roberts
Oral Roberts Vertical File Finding Aid, Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
"Orientation Chapel" - ORU Chapel - 8-20-1979, Oral Roberts
ORU Athletics, ORU Chapel Transcripts 1-7-1981, Oral Roberts
ORU Chapel - 11-20-1966, Oral Roberts
ORU Chapel - Paul Bruton - 11-22-1968, Paul Bruton
ORU Chapel Transcript, TV ministry and Leroy Blackstock, 10-13-1972, Oral Roberts
ORU Chapel Transcript, TV Ministry and Station, 12-6-1972, Oral Roberts
ORU Commission on Holy Spirit Empowerment in the 21st Century, Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
"Partners in Scandal: Wesleyan and Pentecostal Scholarship", Cheryl Bridges Johns
“Passionate Evangelism and Prayer among Pentecostals in Central America”, Mireya Alvarez
Pastoral and Theological Problems in Charismatic Parish, William A. Hio
"Pentecostal Babblings: The Narrative Hermeneutic Of the Marginalized", Kenneth J. Archer
Pentecostal Collaboration: A Pragmatic Necessity or a Spiritual Principle?, Arto Hamalainen
Pentecostal Hermeneutics in Comparative Perspective, Douglas Jacobsen
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 10, No 10 (Oct 1, 1930), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 10, No 12 (Nov 1, 1930), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 10, No 13 (Dec 1, 1930), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 10, No 16 (January 1931), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 10, No 1 (May 15, 1930), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 10, No 20 (February 1931), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 10, No 22 (March 1931), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 10, No 3 (Jun 15, 1930), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 10, No 4 (Jul 1, 1930), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 10, No 5 (Jul 15, 1930), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 10, No 7 (Aug 15, 1930), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 10, No 9 (Sept 15, 1930), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 1, No 10 (Oct 1, 1921), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 1, No 11 (Oct 15, 1921), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 1, No 12 (Nov 1, 1921), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 1, No 13 (Nov 15, 1921), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 1, No 14 (Dec 1, 1921), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 1, No 15 (Dec 15, 1921), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 1, No 15 (Jan 1, 1922), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 1, No 17 (Jan 15, 1922), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 1, No 18 (Feb 1, 1922), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 1, No 19 (Feb 15, 1922), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 1, No 1 (May 1, 1921), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 1, No 20 (Mar 1, 1922), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 1, No 21 (Mar 15, 1922), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 1, No 22 (Apr 1, 1922), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 1, No 23 (Apr 15, 1922), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 1, No 24 (May 1, 1922), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 1, No 2 (June 1, 1921), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 1, No 3 (June 15, 1921), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 1, No 4 (July 1, 1921), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 1, No 5 (July 15, 1921), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 1, No 6 (Aug 1, 1921), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 1, No 7 (Aug 15, 1921), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 1, No 8 (Sept 1, 1921), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 1, No 9 (Sept 15, 1921), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 2, No 10 (Oct 1, 1922), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 2, No 11 (Oct 15, 1922), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 2, No 12 (Nov 1, 1922), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 2, No 13 (Nov 15, 1922), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 2, No 14 (Dec 1, 1922), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 2, No 16 (Jan 1, 1923), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 2, No 17 (Jan 15, 1923), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 2, No 18 (Feb 1, 1923), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 2, No 1 (May 15, 1921), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 2, No 20 (Mar 1, 1923), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 2, No 21 (Mar 15, 1923), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 2, No 22 (Apr 1, 1923), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 2, No 23 (Apr 15, 1923), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 2, No 24 (May 1, 1923), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 2, No 2 (Jun 1, 1922), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 2, No 3 (Jun 1, 1922), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 2, No 4 (Jul 1, 1922), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 2, No 6 (Aug 1, 1922), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 2, No 7 (Aug 15, 1922), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 2, No 9 (Sept 15, 1922), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 3, No 10 (Oct 1, 1923), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 3, No 11 (Oct 15, 1923), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 3, No 13 (Nov 15, 1923), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 3, No 14 (Dec 1, 1923), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 3, No 15 (Dec 15, 1923), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 3, No 16 (Jan 1, 1924), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 3, No 17 (Jan 15, 1924), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 3, No 18 (Feb 1, 1924), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 3, No 19 (Feb 15, 1924), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 3, No 1 (May 15, 1923), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 3, No 20 (Mar 1, 1924), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 3, No 21 (Mar 15, 1924), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 3, No 22 (Apr 1, 1924), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 3, No 23 (Apr 15, 1924), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 3, No 24 (May 1, 1924), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 3, No 2 (Jun 1, 1923), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 3, No 3 (Jun 15, 1923), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 3, No 7 (Aug 15, 1923), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 3, No 9 (Sept 15, 1923), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 3, No (Jul 15, 1923), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 4, No 10 (Oct 1, 1924), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 4, No 11 (Oct 15, 1924), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 4, No 12 (Nov 1, 1924), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 4, No 13 (Nov 15, 1924), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 4, No 14 (Dec 1, 1924), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 4, No 15 (Dec 15, 1924), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 4, No 16 (Jan 1, 1925), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 4, No 17 (Jan 15, 1925), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 4, No 18 (Feb 1, 1925), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 4, No 1 (May 15, 1924), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 4, No 20 (Mar 1, 1925), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 4, No 21 (Mar 15, 1925), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 4, No 22 (Apr 1, 1925), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 4, No 23 (Apr 15, 1925), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 4, No 24 (May 1, 1925), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 4, No 2 (Jun 1, 1924), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 4, No 3 (Jun 15, 1924), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 4, No 4 (July 1, 1924), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 4, No 5 (July 15, 1924), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 4, No 6 (Aug 1, 1924), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 4, No 7 (Aug 15, 1924), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 4, No 8 (Sept 1, 1924), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 4, No 9 (Sept 15, 1924), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 5, No 15 (Dec 15, 1925), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 5, No 17 (Jan 15, 1926), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 5, No 1 (May 15, 1925), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 5, No 20 (Mar 1, 1926), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 5, No 21 (Mar 15, 1926), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 5, No 23 (Apr 15, 1926), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 5, No 24 (May 1, 1926), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 5, No 2 (Jun 1, 1925), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 5, No 3 (Jun 15, 1925), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 5, No 4 (Jul 1, 1925), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 5, No 5 (Jul 15, 1925), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 5, No 6 (Aug 1, 1925), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 5, No 8 (Sep 1, 1925), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 6, No 10 (Oct 1, 1926), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 6, No 11 (Oct 15, 1926), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 6, No 12 (Nov 1, 1926), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 6, No 13 (Dec 1, 1921), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 6, No 13 (Nov 15, 1921), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 6, No 15 (Dec 15, 1926), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 6, No 16 (Jan 1, 1927), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 6, No 18 (Feb 1, 1927), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 6, No 19 (Feb 15, 1927), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 6, No 1 (May 15, 1926), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 6, No 20 (Mar 1, 1927), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 6, No 21 (Mar 15, 1927), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 6, No 22 (Apr 1, 1927), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 6, No 24 (May 1, 1927), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 6, No 2 (Jun 1, 1926), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 6, No 3 (June 15, 1926), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 6, No 4 (July 1, 1926), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 6, No 6 (Aug 1, 1926), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 6, No 8 (Sept 1, 1926), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 6, No 9 (Sept 15, 1926), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 7, No 10 (Oct 1, 1927), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 7, No 11 (Oct 15, 1927), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 7, No 12 (Nov 1, 1927), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 7, No 14 (Dec 1, 1927), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 7, No 15 (Dec 15, 1927), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 7, No 16 (Jan 1, 1928), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 7, No 17 (Jan 15, 1928), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 7, No 18 (Feb 1, 1928), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 7, No 19 (Feb 15, 1928), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 7, No 1 (May 15, 1927), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 7, No 20 (Mar 1, 1928), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 7, No 20 (Mar 1, 1928), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 7, No 21 (Mar 15, 1928), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 7, No 22 (Apr 1, 1928), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 7, No 23 (Apr 15, 1928), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 7, No 24 (May 1, 1928), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 7, No 2 (Jun 1, 1927), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 7, No 3 (Jul 15, 1927), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 7, No 3 (Jun 15, 1927), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 7, No 4 (July 1, 1927), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 7, No 6 (Aug 1, 1927), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 7, No 7 (Aug 15, 1927), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 7, No 9 (Sept 15, 1927), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 8, No 10 (Oct 1, 1928), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 8, No 12 (Nov 1, 1928), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 8, No 13 (Nov 15, 1928), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 8, No 14 (Dec 1, 1928), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 8, No 15 (Nov 15, 1928), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 8, No 17 (Jan 15, 1929), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 8, No 19 (Feb 15, 1929), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 8, No 1 (May 15, 1928), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 8, No 20 (Mar 1, 1929), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 8, No 21 (Mar 15, 1929), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 8, No 22 (Apr 1, 1929), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 8, No 2 (Jun 1, 1928), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 8, No 3 (Jun 15, 1928), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 8, No 4 (Jul 1, 1928), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 8, No 5 (Jul 15, 1928), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 8, No 6 (Aug 1, 1928), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 8, No 7 (Aug 15, 1928), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 8, No 9 (Sept 1, 1928), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 9, No 10 (Oct 1, 1929), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 9, No 11 (Oct 15, 1929), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 9, No 12 (Nov 1, 1929), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 9, No 13 (Nov 15, 1929), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 9, No 14 (Dec 1, 1929), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 9, No 17 (Jan 1, 1930), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 9, No 19 (Feb 15, 1930), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 9, No 1 (May 15, 1929), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 9, No 20 (Mar 1, 1930), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 9, No 22 (Apr 1, 1930), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 9, No 23 (Apr 1, 1930), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 9, No 2 (Jun 1, 1929), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 9, No 3 (Jun 15, 1929), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 9, No 4 (Jul 1, 1929), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 9, No 5 (Jul 15, 1929), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 9, No 7 (Aug 1, 1929), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 9, No 8 (Sept 1, 1929), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostal Holiness Faith Vol 9, No 9 (Sept 15, 1929), Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Pentecostalism and Social, Political, and Economic Development, Allan H. Anderson
Pentecostal Power, Derek Prince
Pentecost in Perspective 88, Oral Roberts
Pentecost in the Parish, Part 3, David Bailie
Pentecost in the Parish, Part 4, David Bailie
"Perfection, Purity Power: Redefining the Spirit-Led Life for the 21'st Century", John R. Walters
Perry Green - 1968 Phoenix Regional FGBMFI Convention, Perry Green
Personal Pentecost - Father John Bertolucci, John Bertolucci
"Plans for ORU," ORU Chapel Transcript - 3-17-1971, Oral Roberts
Praise the Lord - J. A. Dennis Testimony, J. A. Dennis
Praying in the Holy Ghost, John Osteen
"Praying in the Spirit", Andrew Jordan
Press Conference, City of Faith, Aug 10, 1984 Expect A Miracle TV Show,, Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
"Proselytizing As An Ethical Issue", J Haughey
Psychological Research, Angela Watson
"Purity and Power According to the Acts of the Apostles", Robert W. Wall
Q&A: A Career in Christian Higher Education: An Interview, Linda Gray
Quest for the Whole Man Address by President Oral Roberts (1965), Oral Roberts
"Ravished Heart or Naked Faith: The Kernel and Husk of Phoebe Palmer'', Chris R. Armstrong
Real presence: a confession of the Lord's Supper: the origin and development of the term in the 16th century, Albert B. Collver
Receive Ye the Holy Spirit, Don Basham
"Recieving the Baptism in the Holy Spirit", Brick Bradford
Releasing the Power of the Holy Spirit, Brick Bradford
Relevancy of Pentecost Today, William A. Hio
Reviewing Campus Life: In Search of Community, Amanda Wilson
Reviewing Christian Higher Education: Faith, Teaching, and Learning in the Evangelical Tradition, Patrick Otto and Trevor Ellis
Reviews, Spiritus Journal
Richard Roberts Show, Mar 22, 1987, Guest - E. V. Hill, Richard Roberts and E.V. Hill
Richard Roberts Show, Mar 26, 1987, Various Guests support Oral Roberts, Richard Roberts and Oral Roberts
Richard Roberts Show, Mar 27, 1987, Various Guests support Oral Roberts, Oral Roberts and Richard Roberts
Robert Thom, 1963 FGBMFI Washington D.C., Robert Thom
Sacraments: Baptism and Communion - Church by the Side of the Road Broadcast, Edna Jean Horn
Sanctification: Toward A Theology of Pentecostal Social Ethics, Vincent Castellani
Seven Steps to Victory - J. A. Dennis, J. A. Dennis
Seven Wounds - Church by the Side of the Road Broadcast, Edna Jean Horn
Sharing Christ: worshipping the triune God in a secular environment, Elisabet Öman
Sin and Its Consequences - Church by the Side of the Road Broadcast, Edna Jean Horn
Sitting at the Feet of Jesus - Church by the Side of the Road Broadcast, Edna Jean Horn
Speaking in Tongues, John Osteen
Spirit-Baptism and Spiritual Gifts, Robert P. Menzies
Spirit-Empowered Leadership: Exploring Three Dimensions, Jay Gary
"Spirit Women: Alma and Aimee Reconciled?", Susie C. Stanley
St. Louis FGBMFI Meeting - Colonel Merlin Carothers "Power of Praise"- 9-4-1970, Demos Shakarian
St. Louis FGBMFI Meeting - Demos Shakarian "Story of the FGBMFI"- 9-4-1970, Demos Shakarian
St. Louis FGBMFI Meeting - Howard Ervin July 1966 (Poor Audio), Howard M. Ervin
Teaching on the Holy Spirit - 1-24-1964, Kenneth E. Hagin
Teaching on the Holy Spirit - 1-25-1964 Pt. 2, Kenneth E. Hagin
Teaching on the Holy Spirit - Pt. 3 1-27-1964, Kenneth E. Hagin
Techniques Used In My Healing Ministry, Oral Roberts
Tempered in the Fire - Church by the Side of the Road Broadcast, Edna Jean Horn
"Temptation and How to Overcome," Alan Redpath, 1966 Southland FGBMFI Keswick Convention, Dallas TX, Alan Redpath
Terry Law - Nov 11, 2004 - ORU Chapel, Terry Law
Testimony of William Standish Reed, FGBMFI, Atlantic City, NJ, William S. Reed
Texas Boy Evangelist, Clarence Heckendorn
"That we might be made God": themes of deification in western medieval Catholicism, David Barbee
The Anointing, Hannah K. Harrington
The Baptism and the Fullness of the Holy Spirit, Derek Prince
The Baptism in the Holy Spirit, Prince
The Baptism in the Holy Spirit, Kay Arthur
The Baptism in the Holy Spirit - ORU Chapel - 9-22-1971, Oral Roberts
"The Bible Way to Receive the Holy Spirit", Kenneth E. Hagin
The Book of Acts - ORU Chapel - 9-22-1986, Oral Roberts
The Call of Nathanael: A New Recruit for the Jesus Movement (John 1:45–51), J. Lyle Story
"The Camp Meeting as 'Tabernacle Revivalism in the Holiness and Pentecostal Traditions in America", Kenneth O. Brown
"The Cure for Discouragement" Bill Shuler - Oct 16, 1992 - ORU Chapel, Bill Shuler
The Day That Something Bad Happened To Me and the Miracle That Brought Me Out of It, Oral Roberts
The Death and Resurrection of Jesus - Church by the Side of the Road Broadcast, Edna Jean Horn
The Diary of Bishop Dan T. Muse, Dan T. Muse and Harold Paul
The Doctor Corvin Story, Oral Roberts
The effect of mentoring on interns in a cross cultural setting to produce increased missional engagement, Timothy G. Meier
The Effects of Sleep Deprivation Among College Students, CeCe Madison
THE EVOLUTION OF LEADERSHIP IN A SACRED BUREAUCRACY: A Socio-Historical Study of the Church of God, Harold Ware
The exegetical value of an African reading of Genesis 4, Misheck Nyirendai
The Fullness of the Holy Spirit, Corrie Ten Boom
"The Gift Movement Controversy of 1916", Daniel Glenn Woods
"The Gift of Prophecy" - 1 Corinthians 12 Pt. 1 (1967), Kenneth E. Hagin
"The Gift of Prophecy" - 1 Corinthians 12 Pt. 2 (1967), Kenneth E. Hagin
"The Gift of Prophecy" - 1 Corinthians 12 Pt. 3 (1967), Kenneth E. Hagin
"The Gift of Prophecy" - 1 Corinthians 12 Pt. 4 (1967), Kenneth E. Hagin
The Gifts of the Spirit, Larry Eddings
The Gifts of the Spirit, Vic Dunning
" The Gifts of the Spirit," Aldersgate Conference 1982, James Buskirk
"The Gifts of the Spirit," Howard M. Ervin, St. Louis FGBMFI Convention, Howard M. Ervin
“The Great Commission and the Spirit-Empowered Movement: Eastern and Central Europe”, Corneliu Constantineanu
"The Great Commission and the Spirit-Empowered Movement: Southern Africa”, Harvey Kwiyani
The Great Mukti Revival, Pandita Ramabai
"The Holy Ghost" pt. 10, Kenneth E. Hagin
"The Holy Ghost" pt. 5, Kenneth E. Hagin
"The Holy Ghost" pt. 6, Kenneth E. Hagin
"The Holy Ghost" pt. 7, Kenneth E. Hagin
"The Holy Ghost" pt. 8, Kenneth E. Hagin
"The Holy Ghost" pt. 9, Kenneth E. Hagin
The Holy Spirit, Genevieve Parkhurst
The Holy Spirit, Rufus Moseley
"The Holy Spirit", J. A. Dennis
The Holy Spirit - Aldersgate Conference 1982, Tommy Tyson
"The Holy Spirit and Evangelism", Aril Edwardsen
The Holy Spirit and the Nineteenth-Century Mission to Hawaii, Paul Miller
"The Holy Spirit" - Terry Law - Feb 12, 2003 - ORU Chapel, Terry Law
The Kingdom of Heaven, J. A. Dennis
The Latter Day Outpouring, Harold Bredesen
The Life Story of Harold Bredesen, Harold Bredesen
The Mind of Christ, Vicki Jamison-Peterson
"The Ministry of Angels," Darrell Hon , FGBMFI Belfast, Darrell Hon
The New ORU: Empowered for the 21st Century, Neil Eskelin
“The Origin, Development, and Future of Assemblies of God Eschatology,”, Daniel D. Isgrigg
The Pentecostal Doctrine of Initial Evidence: A Proposal for Modification, Steven Scott Alt
“The poor evangelizing the poor: How Christian schools in marginalized communities promote the Great Commission”, Makonen Getu
The Post-Denominational Prism: The New View of Women Preachers, Mary Jackson
The Prophetic Servant: The Ideology of Spirit-Empowered Leaders, Wonsuk Ma
The Purpose of the Baptism in the Spirit, John Osteen
"The Rediscovery of Pentecost in Early Methodism", Laurence W. Wood
The role of resistance to change in church sustainability in Harlem, New York, Joan M. Williams
The Role of the Holy Spirit in the Construction of the Second Temple, R. Jerome Boone
The Sacred and the Marketplace, John Ceresoli
The Spirit-filled Life, Noel Brooks
The Value of Tongues, Bob Mumford
The Vine: toward an organic process of discipleship in an urban church context, Richard Schneberger
The Vineyard Movement and cities: a thoughtful engagement, Christopher Meekins
The waves of the deluge breaking on Jonah: the intertextual use of the noachic narrative in Jonah, Kevin S. Golden
The Word of Wisdom and Knowledge, Harold Bredesen
"The X-Factor: Revisioning the Biblical Esprit of Holiness for the Twenty-First Century", Brent A. Strawn
Towards a comprehensive approach to Islam in the United States, Berhanu D. Arsse
"Towards a Twenty-first Century Ecclesiology: A Wesleyan/Pentecostal Critique of Contemporary Models of Congregational Life", James Bowers
Toward Spirit-Empowered Leadership Distinctives: A Literature Review, Daniel D. Isgrigg
Training church leaders to build family faith through creating engaging, intergenerational worship services, Tassie Green
Training new christian military chaplains on first amendment complexities, Jeffery A. Logan
Training through father-son relationships in the Lutheran Church of Nigeria, David Mark Erber
Training youth ministry majors in narrative preaching: sharpening a neglected tool in the toolbox, David R. Karn
Transformational leadership in developing collaborative prison ministry in metropolitan Memphis, Thomas Snow
Trip to the Holy Land with Oral Roberts and Other Testimonies (Transcript), Oral Roberts and Myron Sackett
"Tulsa Is Beautiful": A Speech Delivered to the Tulsa Chamber of Commerce, Oral Roberts
Turning the World Upside Down, J. Edwin Orr
Twelve steps in the way of Christ: a postmodern path for spiritual formation and leadership development, Steven H. Brant
'Two Shall Become One Flesh': union with Christ and unity in marriage, Peter Ho
Underneath the Everlasting Arms, Bernie Warfield
Understanding and overcoming legalism: a Biblical counseling perspective, Thomas A. Burns
Union with Christ and the Old Testament believer: a test case for theological systems, Kevin Hobi
Until his enemies become his footstool: a biblical theology of the Davidic covenant in the synoptic gospels and Acts, Aaron J. Gibson
"Update on the City of Faith," ORU Chapel, Feb 18, 1987, Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library
Using biblical narrative for spiritual formation in high school students at the Conejo Valley Church, Jack Williamson
Using the lament Psalms in counseling, Alan B. Hickok
Various speakers, 1963 Washington D.C. Regional FGBMFI, Various Speakers
Various Speakers - 1966 Phoenix Regional FGBMFI Convention, Demos Shakarian
Various Speakers - 1966 Phoenix Regional FGBMFI Convention, Demos Shakarian
Various Testimonies, 14th FGBMFI Convention, Miami, Florida, Demos Shakarian
Various Testimonies, 1963 Phoenix Regional FGBMFI Convention, Demos Shakarian, Demos Shakarian
Viewing the Imago Dei through the doctrine of deification in the theology of Gregory of Nyssa, Jonathan Kever
Vinson Synan Testimony, Vinson Synan
Virtue ethics and the place of character formation within Lutheran theology, Joel B. Biermann
"Visions of Mission: The Holiness and Methodist Contexts of the Beginnings of Pentecostalism in Chile", David Bundy
Vocal Gifts, Use and Abuse of Tongues, Derek Prince
Voices of Oklahoma - Interview with Dr. James Buskirk, former Dean, James Buskirk
Voices of Oklahoma - Interview with Oral Roberts, Oral Roberts
Vox Reformata, Reformed Theological College
Wait for me: appreciating the curious juxtaposition of Zephaniah 3:8 and 9, Bob Caldwell
Waltz in three: an integration of emotionally focused therapy for couples and Christian therapy, Corey Scott Carpenter
War, peace, and reconciliation in a broken world: case studies from Central Africa and Eastern Europe, Tiffany Rhodes
Was Aimee Semple McPherson Pentecostal?, Raymond Cox
Washington DC FGBMFI - Congressman Don Rumsfeld - 2-23-1963, Donald Rumsfeld
Washington DC FGBMFI - Howard Ervin- 2-23-1963, Howard M. Ervin
Washington DC FGBMFI - Lester Sumerall - 2-23-1963, Lester Sumerall
Washington DC FGBMFI - Morris Cerullo - 2-23-1963, Morri Cerullo
Water as a metaphor for the Holy Spirit in Johannine pneumatology, Andrew Albert Carr
We can bear it no longer: toward a confessional theology within the Churches of Christ, Paul A. Smith
"We Have Seen His Glory": Pentecostal Spirit Christology in Conversation with Cyril of Alexandria, Chris E. W. Green
What is the Nature of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, Derek Prince
"What Jesus Said About Prayer" pt. 1, Kenneth E. Hagin
"What Jesus Said About Prayer" pt. 2, Kenneth E. Hagin
What the Charismatic Renewal Contributes to the Church, Brick Bradford
When two become one: preparing for grace-based marriage, Jason W. Barrie
When You Pray, Believe, Genevieve Parkhurst
"Where Sin Abounded, Grace Abounded Much More: The New Orleans Revival", Aubry D. Angela
Where singleness and ministry collide: helping single ministers understand and guard against temptation, Timothy L. Melton
Where two or three are gathered: renewing the small church in rural America, David A. Langer
"Whole Man" Concept Panel Discussion at ORU, Oral Roberts, Tommy Tyson, and R. O. Corvin
Why Speak in Tongues, Derek Prince
Women's issues: counseling middle-aged women, James J. Juvinall
Working faith: developing Christian business leaders, Jonathan W. Beck
Ye Shall Receive Power, Noel Brooks
You Must Be Born Again - Church by the Side of the Road Broadcast, Edna Jean Horn
"Your Life will be Formed by the Dreams you Dreamed" - Bill Shuler - Apr 1, 1992 - ORU Chapel, Bill Shuler
Youth ministry as a bridge between church and home, Michael D. McGarry