

“Higher education institutions throughout the United States and other countries are experiencing signifi cant increases in the number of international students enrolled at their campuses” (Washburn & Hargis, 2017, p. 2). However, the rate of growth for this cohort of culturally, linguistically, economically, and ethnically diverse (CLEED) students exceeds the rate of faculty preparation and capacity to effectively serve their needs. Statistical evidence corroborates the view of Enright (2011) and others that today’s diverse student body is now “the ‘new mainstream’ of the 21st century classroom” (p. 80). Research in the last two decades points to a real need for culturally responsive andragogy that is inclusive of all learners. Faculty development that includes training in linguistic and culturally sensitive andragogy is a meaningful response. This paper contains a review of extant literature pertinent to this issue and recommends practical, culturally relevant, and responsive, research-based teaching approaches that are framed within sociocultural learning theory and effective for use in classrooms with international English language learners.

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