College of Theology and Ministry Dissertations, Projects, & Theses | College of Theology & Ministry | Oral Roberts University

The Oral Roberts University College of Theology and Ministry offers a variety of graduate degrees including Master of Divinity; M.A. Biblical Literature; M.A. Theological/Historical Studies; M.A. in Professional Counseling; M.A. in Intercultural Studies; M.A. in Practical Theology; Doctor. of Ministry; and PhD in Contextual Theology.

This page contains some of our most recent Master's Theses and Doctor of Ministry Research Projects of our graduates.

For more information on ORU Graduate School Programs, please see the website:

Views expressed in the items posted on the Digital Showcase are those of the contributors only. Their publication on the Digital Showcase does not express or imply endorsement by the Digital Showcase or Oral Roberts University..


Submissions from 2023


Exploring Theological Themes of Bridehood in Revelation 19:6-9: An Analysis of the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, Riley F. Kempker


Redeeming Theodicy in Job: Moving from a Classical to a Christological Framework, Jaime L. Riddle

Submissions from 2022


Household Order and the Discipleship of the People of God: An Exegetical Survey of Ephesians 5:21–6:9 and Other New Testament Household Texts, Eric J. Blessing


Guided by the Spirit: A Comparative Study of the Ministry of Reverend Seen-Ok Ahn with Paul’s Mission in Light of Acts 16:6-15, Hongyeol Kim


Educating Church Leaders About Moral Injury to Provide Support to Military Veterans in Their Congregations, James R. Taylor


Service and Subversion in the Court of the King: An Analysis of Resistance and Accomodation to Foreign Imperial Rule in Daniel 2, Luke Wagner

Submissions from 2012


Increasing Motivation for Christian Growth by Teaching the Glory of Christ, Timothy A. McKitrick

Submissions from 2003


Worldview as a Key to Understanding Spiritual Warfare with the Emphasis on Sanctification and Evangelism, Albert Kwamena Essandoh