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An examination of current literary works on spiritual warfare within this decade shows that there has been a struggle in understanding the issues that evolve under this subject. Missiologists have presented reports that baffle western theologians; however. these phenomena are not new to the non-westem reader, and they persist. Most western theologians who have not encountered these phenomena discount these experiences, presenting arguments from a sanctification point of view.

Renowned contemporary scholars whose perspectives on worldviews, sanctification, and evangelism contribute to this research include Peter Wagner, Clinton Arnold, Derek Tidball, Howard Ervin, James Sire, John Stott, Andrew W. Hoffecker, Russell Chandler, Paul G. Hiebert, and George Eldon Ladd. Primary sources were not directly consulted, but implied thorough researchers like David Cole.

The research asserts that worldviews affect theology, and this calls for theologians to maintain a biblical worldview. It further establishes that evangelism and sanctification relate to spiritual warfare and are the appropriate contexts for discussing spiritual warfare from a biblical worldview.
