2019, Bogota: “Poverty, its impact, and the responses of Spirit-empowered communities” | Empowered21 Scholars' Consultations

Poverty, its impact, and the responses of Spirit-empowered communities”

2019 Scholars’ Consultation of Empowered 21 Bogota, Colombia, June 3–4, 2019

Carefully chosen by leaders of the Spirit-Empowered Movement (hereafter “SEM”), this theme invites scholars in the movement (and others wishing to help) to help SEM members to address the roots of poverty, its impact, and the Spirit-empowered responses to the need. As this consultation takes place in South America and jointly organized by the Empowered21 Global Office and the South American host, the consultation can offer to the world the gift of experiences, reflections, and lessons gained by South American SEM. They will be joined by the global colleagues who can bring similar reflections but from different contexts.

Browse the contents of 2019, Bogota: “Poverty, its impact, and the responses of Spirit-empowered communities”:

Tuesday June 4
Monday June 3rd.