Monday June 3rd. | 2019, Bogota: “Poverty, its impact, and the responses of Spirit-empowered communities”

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Monday, June 3rd
9:00 AM

Welcome, Greeting from Host, Prayer

Wonsuk Ma, Oral Roberts University

9:00 AM - 9:30 AM

9:45 AM

Study 1: “Our Jubilee mandate: development”

Jacobed Solano

9:45 AM - 10:30 AM

10:03 AM


Daniel D. Isgrigg

10:03 AM - 11:00 AM

11:00 AM

Study 2: “Doing Pentecostal Civic Engagement in the Squatter Area of Baugio City, Philippines.”

Joel Tejedo, Asia Pacific Theological Seminary

11:00 AM - 11:45 AM

11:45 AM

Study 3: Marcelo Vargus - "The Aimara Identity of Poor Neopentecostals in Urban La Paz-Bolivia"

Marcelo Vargus

11:45 AM - 12:30 PM

2:00 PM

Study 4: “Spirit-Empowered Apostolic Ministry to the Poor: Through the Lens of Three Ministries.”

John Paul Thompson, Oral Roberts University
Stavros Ignatiou
Agnes Bangura
Martyn Dunsford

2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

3:30 PM

Study 5: “Beyond Liberation Theology and Prosperity Gospel: A Third Way"

Cesar Garcia

3:30 PM - 4:15 PM

4:15 PM

Study 6: "Fighting Poverty with Love: Chrsitian Social Responsibility Interventions of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) Nigeria"

Olufunke Adeboye, University of Lagos, Nigeria

4:15 PM - 5:00 PM

5:00 PM

Study 7: “A Pentecostal Engagement of the Economy from the Margins.”

David Daniels, McCormick Theological Seminary

5:00 PM - 5:45 PM