Browse Journals and Peer-Reviewed Series

To read more of each journal's description, click on the title of the journal to go to the journal's home page where the full description is provided.

For additional Spirit-Empowered Movement journals, see this page.

Views expressed in the items posted on the Digital Showcase are those of the contributors only. Their publication on the Digital Showcase does not express or imply endorsement by the Digital Showcase or Oral Roberts University.

Asian Journal of Pentecostal Studies (Partner Journals)

Published in the USA in partnership with the Holy Spirit Resource Center of Oral Roberts University.


  • To encourage serious theological thinking and articulation by Pentecostals/Charismatics in Asia;
  • to promote interaction among Asian Pentecostals/Charismatics and dialogue with other Christian traditions;
  • to stimulate creative contextualization of the Christian faith; and
  • to provide a means for Pentecostals/Charismatics to share their theological reflections.

Views expressed in the items posted on the Digital Showcase are those of the contributors only. Their publication on the Digital Showcase does not express or imply endorsement by the Digital Showcase or Oral Roberts University.

Published in the USA in partnership with the Holy Spirit Resource Center of Oral Roberts University, the Journal seeks to provide a forum: To encourage serious theological thinking and articulation by Pentecostals/Charismatics in Asia; to promote interaction among Asian Pentecostals/Charismatics and dialogue with other Christian traditions; to stimulate creative contextualization of the Christian faith; and to provide a means for Pentecostals/Charismatics to share their theological reflections.
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Journal of Lanka Bible College (Sri Lanka) (Partner Journals)

Published in the USA in partnership with the Holy Spirit Resource Center of Oral Roberts University, the Journal of Lanka Bible College (JLBC) encourages faculty and writers associated with Lanka Bible College, Sri Lanka, both in its seminary and its Centre for Graduate Studies, to address key issues in contemporary society, culture, the Christian Scriptures, and their related fields of study.
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Its purpose is to stimulate and edify the theological fraternity both locally and globally. Lanka Bible College, established in the 1970s and accredited by the Asia Theological Association since 1980, is a premier theological institution in the island of Sri Lanka with strong evangelical, Pentecostal, and charismatic roots. Serving the wider church in Sri Lanka, Journal articles will express the theology of these streams. JLBC aims to speak to pertinent issues in mission, ministry, leadership, education, theology, and history. Published once annually, JLBC seeks to be a scholarly resource for the theological community, promoting bibliocentric and Spirit-inspired scholarship, reflection, and renewal.

Dr Danny Moses (Chief editor)

Views expressed in the items posted on the Digital Showcase are those of the contributors only. Their publication on the Digital Showcase does not express or imply endorsement by the Digital Showcase or Oral Roberts University.

Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning for Christians in Higher Education

ISSN 1559-8624

Welcome to the Website of The Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning for Christians in Higher Education!

Views expressed in the items posted on the Digital Showcase are those of the contributors only. Their publication on the Digital Showcase does not express or imply endorsement by the Digital Showcase or Oral Roberts University.

The Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning for Christians in Higher Education is dedicated to providing an open forum for the ongoing discussion of the scholarship and research into teaching and learning.
The Journal itself is at the heart of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning for Christians in Higher Education, representing the culmination of the intellectual work of a variety of Christian administrators, teachers, and scholars as they pursue greater understanding into the processes of teaching and learning.
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The Journal welcomes the contributing voices of Christian educators who are interested in exploring the processes of teaching and learning. Submissions may be made to See Submission Steps for deadlines and other pertinent information.

On this website, you can find out about the history, aim, and scope of the Journal and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning for Christians in Higher Education. There are also guidelines on how to contribute to The Journal as a writer or reviewer. The website also offers free access to our open source journal. The Journal is currently accepting articles for publication.

See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of The Journal.

Views expressed in the items posted on the Digital Showcase are those of the contributors only. Their publication on the Digital Showcase does not express or imply endorsement by the Digital Showcase or Oral Roberts University.

Pentecost Journal of Theology and Mission (Partner Journals)

Published in the USA in partnership with the Holy Spirit Resource Center of Oral Roberts University, we are pleased to share with you the second edition of the Pentecost Journal of Theology and Mission (PJTM).

We are indeed delighted and encouraged by the enthusiastic uptake of our first issue, July 2016, on Pentecostalism, Migration and World Christianity. An aim of the PJTM is to provide a space for critical reflection on contemporary issues of theology and mission from Pentecostal perspectives that will have practical and transformative impact on the life of the individual, the church and society. The Editors have discovered that such a “space” does not exist without its creation, and the work of creation itself has to be intentionally and persistently attended to among the plethora of tasks and concerns that fill our diaries and our desks. However, we are convinced that the PJTM offers a meaningful and important contribution to theological reflection and therefore are committed to hold open a place for Pentecostal voices to be heard.

In conclusion, Pentecostalism and Christian Higher Education is a call that should be motivated and inspired by our love for the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, strength and mind that embraces our love for the neighbour. (Luke 10:27).

Views expressed in the items posted on the Digital Showcase are those of the contributors only. Their publication on the Digital Showcase does not express or imply endorsement by the Digital Showcase or Oral Roberts University.

Published in the USA in partnership with the Holy Spirit Resource Center of Oral Roberts University, an aim of the Pentecost Journal of Theology and Mission (PJTM) is to provide a space for critical reflection on contemporary issues of theology and mission from Pentecostal perspectives that will have practical and transformative impact on the life of the individual, the church and society.
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Promethia is Oral Roberts University's literary journal featuring poetry, short stories, one-act plays, artwork, and photography.

Promethia is a collection of ORU students, teachers, and alumni united in our vision to promote and create art on this campus and in the world while avoiding Christian sentimentality and pedantry.
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Promethia is a quest to find a common ground between artists and readers so they can walk and discuss what brings them together.

Promethia is a breath of the salty air that clears the lungs so that the artist can breathe clearly again.

Views expressed in the items posted on the Digital Showcase are those of the contributors only. Their publication on the Digital Showcase does not express or imply endorsement by the Digital Showcase or Oral Roberts University.

Salubritas: International Journal of Spirit-Empowered Counseling (College of Theology & Ministry)

ISSN 2771-1242

The mission of Salubritas: International Journal of Spirit-Empowered Counseling is to create and share unique knowledge to promote the wellness and wholeness (salubritas) of individuals and communities through counseling that occurs within the dynamic work of the life-giving Spirit to empower both counselors and counselees to live the fullness of life.

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Issues are published annually in the spring and are available for free on this site. Print copies are available for purchase. Salubritas is published jointly by the Oral Roberts University College of Theology & Ministry and the Behavioral Sciences Department. Inquiries for publication are welcome:

Views expressed in the items posted on the Digital Showcase are those of the contributors only. Their publication on the Digital Showcase does not express or imply endorsement by the Digital Showcase or Oral Roberts University.

Spirit & Church, The (Partner Journals)

Published in the USA in partnership with the Holy Spirit Resource Center of Oral Roberts University, the Spirit & Church seeks to encourage theological reflections of the Pentecostal movement and its application to ministerial fields. It further aims to encourage the Pentecostals to dialogue with other various Christian streams in the Christian traditions in seeking a right direction to which the Pentecostal movement would go forth in the context of the current world.

Views expressed in the items posted on the Digital Showcase are those of the contributors only. Their publication on the Digital Showcase does not express or imply endorsement by the Digital Showcase or Oral Roberts University.

Published in the USA in partnership with the Holy Spirit Resource Center of Oral Roberts University, the Spirit & Church seeks to encourage theological reflections of the Pentecostal movement and its application to ministerial fields. It further aims to encourage the Pentecostals to dialogue with other various Christian streams in the Christian traditions in seeking a right direction to which the Pentecostal movement would go forth in the context of the current world.
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Spiritus: ORU Journal of Theology (College of Theology & Ministry)

ISSN 2573-6345

Spiritus: ORU Journal of Theology publishes studies from all disciplines pertaining to Spirit-empowered Christianity. It emphasizes theological and cognate studies and works from and about Christianity in the Majority World.

Spiritus also reviews pertinent scholarly works and some professional and popular works of merit.
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Spiritus: ORU Journal of Theology is a peer reviewed theological journal that aims to . . .

  • Publish studies from all disciplines pertaining to Spirit-empowered Christianity, from established and emerging scholars
  • Emphasize theological and cognate studies and works from and about Christianity in the Majority World
  • Review pertinent scholarly works as well as some professional and popular works of merit
  • Publish scholarship to benefit especially Spirit-empowered Christian communities globally.

You can read more about the history and growth of Spiritus in the 5 Year Report.

Issues appear in fall and spring and are available freely here but also may be purchased in print. Spiritus is published jointly by the Oral Roberts University College of Theology & Ministry and the University Library's Holy Spirit Research Center. Inquiries for publication, including emerging scholarship, are welcome:

To view an issue other than the one displayed, find "Select an issue" in the column to the right of the image of the journal cover, and click on the caret (triangle pointing down) next to "All Issues" to find the issue you wish to view.

Views expressed in the items posted on the Digital Showcase are those of the contributors only. Their publication on the Digital Showcase does not express or imply endorsement by the Digital Showcase or Oral Roberts University.

Whole Leader

ISSN 2766-6387

Introductory text for Whole Leader.

The Whole Leader Chinese Magazine is a publication about "Whole Person Education" empowered by the Holy Spirit. By sharing God's miraculous works among the lives of Chinese believers, ORU is raising new Chinese generations to answer God's calling to glorify His name in every person's world..

ISSN: 2766-6387

See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.