
About This Journal

The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning for Christians in Higher Education works to create a online, interactive forum where educators, administrators, and others can discuss the ongoing research in teaching and learning from a Christian perspective.


The idea for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning for Christians in Higher Education was generated by two workshops made possible through CCCU Campus-Based Faculty Development Grants. Paul and Raye Lakey of Abilene Christian University and Kina Mallard of Union University (now at Gordon) visited the campus of Oral Roberts University in 2002-03 and 2003-04, respectively. On these visits, they hosted workshops on the scholarship of teaching and learning. Following their workshops, many on the ORU faculty became interested in this method of documenting successful learning and sharing it with the Academy. They discovered that no online journal, designed specifically with Christian educators in mind, existed. A task force was created to change that. A year and a half of dedicated work led to the creation of The Journal, a publication dedicated to serving professionals in higher education bound by an interest to improve student learning while remaining true to the tenets of the Christian faith.