The Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning for Christians in Higher Education (Th e Journal) seeks to support Christian educators by providing a forum for an exchange of research, educational resources, and ideas in order to encourage excellent teaching for the benefi t of the students. Th e Journal’s mission for Christian educators is—in part—the following statement:
Called by God, Christian educators allow their faith to infl uence (either directly or indirectly) all that they do in and out of the classroom. Th ey transform their students by inspiring love for God and others and by stimulating intellectual curiosity and creativity. Th e ability to teach is a gift from God, and those who are truly called to teach have a desire to see learning take place. (https://digitalshowcase. oru.edu/sotl_ched/aimsandscope.html)
It is with this in mind that we seek to share the thoughts and insights of two Christian professors in higher education. Both of these women have taught in higher education for over two decades each, and both have taught in Christian institutions as well as in secular institutions. Th ey both bring a Christian worldview, dedication to teaching, and a focus on student learning to their classrooms.
Recommended Citation
Gray, L. (2019). Q & A: Two Decades of experience in secular and christian higher education: An interview. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning for Christians in Higher Education, 9(1), 7-13. https://doi.org/10.31380/sotlched.9.1.7