Church music pedagogy has a rich history dating back to the 9th century and is rooted in scripture and ancient traditions. Changes over the centuries have been gradual with incremental transitions; however, since the introduction of pop and rock musical stylings to church settings almost sixty years ago, changes have been swift and dramatic. The advent of modern worship has left Christian higher learning institutions scrambling to find a place where the curriculum would be useful and relevant to the modern 21st century Church. This paper seeks to examine the historical background of Christian church music pedagogy while suggesting strategies for adaptation and transition to the realities of modern church worship.
Recommended Citation
Brown, C. (2022). Transitions in collegiate church music pedagogy: Developing a pedagogy for undergraduate modern worship curriculum. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning for Christians in Higher Education, 12(1), 31-50. https://doi.org/10.31380/sotlched.12.1.31