Volume 13, Issue 1 (2023)
Full Issue
Front Matter
Toward a Spirit-empowered Framework for Encouraging Intellectual Conversions in Doctoral Students
Daniel D. Isgrigg
They Shall Run and Not Be Weary, and They Shall Walk and Not Faint: 50 Years of the ORU Field Test
Lora Conte, Anthony Domeck, Todd Farmer, Fritz G. Huber, Eric D. Hudgens, Scarlet R. Jost, Andrew S.I.D. Lang, Nancy V. Mankin, Terry V. Shannon, Glenn E. Smith, and Angela L. Watson
In Defense of Moving from a Music Production Curriculum to a Commercial Music Curriculum
Jeff McCoy and Christopher Andrew Brown
Book Reviews
Reviewing Professors as Teachers
Jared Johnston
Reviewing The Flourishing Student: A Practical Guide to Promote Mental Fitness, Well-being and Resilience in Higher Education
Amonda Matthewman-Isgrigg
Letter from the Editor
Hayoung Lim