Content Posted in 2025
A Comparison Between the Missiological thought of Johan Herman Bavinck and Herman Hoeksema Regarding General Revelation and Related First Article Issues, Nathan C. Brummel
A Critical Study of John Frame's Views on Presuppositional Apologetics, Bradley S. Belcher
A Critique on the delivery of Pastoral Care to Pastors of the Christian Reformed Church In the Philippines, Julius Umawing
A Description of Faith Issues in the Spiritual Journey of Adults Recovering from Childhood Sexual Abuse, Albert Christopher Seinen
"A Helper of thy Faith and Joy" Elnathan Parr as a Pastoral Teacher of Predestination in Early Stuart England, David H. Kranendonk
Analysis of Protestant Reformed Missions, 1925-2006, Barry L. Gritters
An Analysis of Cornelius Van Til's Presupposition of Reformed Dogmatics with Special Reference to Herman Bavinck's Gereformeerde Dogmatiek, Laurence R. O'Donnell III
An Analysis of the Old Greek Septuagint of Habakkuk, Benjamin M, Austin
An Emerging Ecclesiology: the Ecclesiology of the Emerging Church Movement, Brian McLaughlin
Apologetics Preaching Today in the Context of a Local Church, Richard Charles Buck
A Spiritual Betrothal Between Jesus and the Samaritans: A Critique of Andrew Arterbury's Article, "Breaking the Betrothal Bonds: Hospitality in John 4", Carlos Henrique Machado
A Study of E. Stanley Jones' Mission Approach to Affirm the Christ of the Indian Road, Seoung Hyun Nam
A Study of Reformed Spiritual Formation for Korean Christian Education, Yong Duck Park
A study of the Adaptability of Family Systems Theory to the Korean Presbyterian Church Context, Ji Hoon Jin
A Study of the Petrine Influence on the Gospel According to Mark, David Seal
A Survey and Critique of Reformed Apologetics, Kim Riddlebarger
Church Discipline: A Case of ATAKTOI: 2 Thessalonians 3:6-15, John Tsenzughul Abawua
Clinging to God in the Night, Mark Stephenson
Congregational Worship and Leadership in Times of Crisis, Transition and Conflict, Kathleen S. Smith
Cultural Exegesis for Transformational Preaching, Troy Warren Bierma
Decreasing Sepsis Mortality with a Standard Screening Tool, Bailey Kee, Trina Smith, Katie Anderson, Ryan Huerta, Dr. Rachel Valentz, and Dr. Jamie Larie Kitchens
Francis Rous (1580/81-1659) and the Mystical Element in English Puritanism, Randall J. Pederson
Friendship as a Variable in Pastoral Care, Vicki Verhulst Cok
God of Friendship: Herman Hoeksema's Unconditional Covenant Conception, Ronald L. Cammenga
Hebrew Bible and Ancient Near East, Nathan French
Identifying Behavioral, Psychological, Physical, and Spiritual Signs or Symptoms of Children which Suggest the Possibility of Sexual Abuse: Its Implications for the Church Based Teacher, Martin van der Spoel
Integrative Professional Christian Counseling, Haley Rae French
Inter-Religious Dialogue in the Religious Situation of Korea: the Need, Basis and Principles, Young Seok Song
Jeremiah and Feelings: A Non-Identity Crisis, Brenda Kronemeijer-Heyink
Jesus and the Hermeneutics of Heritage: A Social Memory Approach to the Elijah-Elisha Material in the Gospel of Luke, Drew William Billings
Jesus in Nazareth: An Exegesis of Luke 4:16-30, David Michael Young
Jesus the Presuppositional Apologist: Implicanons for Apologetics from Luke 20, Jimmy Li
Love In Augustine's Eudaemonistic Ethics, Byeong Woon Youn
Pentecost 2033: Approaching the Great Jubilee, Jay Gary
Peter Martyr Vermigli: A Reformer Perfecting Aristotle's Virtue Theory, Kelvin S. Budiman
Preaching God's Word in a Postmodern World, Adrien J, Bausells
Progressive Dispensationalism: a Paradigm Shiff for Dispensational Theology with Ministry Relevance for Dispensational Churches in Kenya, Joseph Uvai Mutisya
Reexamining the Place of the Public Confession of Sins in a Reformed Context, Matthew J. Webber
Samuela. Moffett's Evangelism and Training Ministry in Korea (1890-1907), Kwang Sup Shin
Sexual Abuse and the Lord’s Supper: A Ritual of Harm or Healing, HIlary H. Scarsella
Spiritual Intervention on a Substance Abuse Ward, Larry D. Kendrick
"Taste And See That yhe Lord Is Good" The Aesthetic-Affectional Preaching of Jonathan Edwards, Charles L. Geschiere
The Church of Small Groups: Restoring Biblical Community Through Cell Groups, Thomas Stephen Baird
The Compositional Structure, Canonical Place and Theological Significance of 2 Samuel 7, Paul William-Tigchelaar Verhoef
The Contributions of Kwame Bediako to the Development of African Christianity, Bernard T. Ayoola
The Eschatological Origin of the "Ataktoi in Thessalonica, Benjamin Ribbens
The Eschatology of John Milbank, Kristen Haas
The Ethical Admonition of Watchfulness and the Timing of the Parousia, Zachary J. King
The Ethical Admonition of Watchfulness and the Timing of the Parousia, Zachary J. King
The Fugitive Sin: A Recovery of Sloth and Sabbath, Gregory Dunn
The Harvest of Thomist Anthropology: John Weemes's Reformed Portrait of the Image of God, David Sytsma
The Interpretation of the Yiqtol Verbs In Psalm 47.4-5, Wilson De Angelo Cunha
The Liturgical Use of Spiritual Gifts: Discerning Next Steps in Contextual Nigerian Practice, Emmanuel Saba Bileya
"The Loved One Does Not Yet Know All She Shall Become": Mysticism as Eschatology in Medieval Writers, John C. Medendorp
The Semantics of Hebrew in the Pentateuch and Former Prophets, Stephen Kline
To be a Confessional Church, Pieter Vandermeyden
To be a Confessional Church the Place of the Reformed Creeds in Hendrik De Cock's View of the Church, Pieter Vandermeyden
To every Muslim an Answer: Islamic Apologetics Compared and Contrasted with Christian Apologetics, Joseph P. Gudel
Transforming the Akamba Marriage System into a Reformed Biblical Marriage Approach, Cornelius Muinde Muasa
Unveiling God's Face, Christopher J. Schoon
"You Alone are God": A Canonical Reading of Psalm 86, Elizabeth Kao Holmlund